Omega Wasn't Strong Enough

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"Yoongi!" Namjoon burst through the door of the crafting den.

Yoongi looks up from the wood in front of him, "Yes brother?" His eyebrows furrowed.

Namjoon doesn't waste any time, "Your omega, Jimin, he's at the healer's den. Jin told me to get you. It's urgent."

Yoongi drops the tools in his hands and runs to the den, praying to the moon that Jimin was ok.

When he gets to the den, he sees the omega lying on his side on one of the beds. His eyes were open, but his body was motionless as he stared off into the distance.

"Yoongi," the pack alpha looks over and sees Jin, "Pack alpha, I-I'm so sorry I have to be the one to tell you this but-" Jin sighs, no longer able to look at the man before him, "But it seems like Jimin has miscarried. He is no longer with pups."

Yoongi felt his heart break, but he swallowed his grief, "W-what about Jimin? Is he ok?"

Jin exhales softly, "Physically, yes. But the news is- it's hard for any omega to handle something like this."

"C-can I see him?" Yoongi asks, looking away from Jin and back to the boy.

Jin nods, "Yes, of course, pack alpha."

Yoongi doesn't waste another second. He immediately goes to Jimin's bed and sits in front of him. The man looked so small, so young, so broken. Yoongi takes his hand as Jimin's eyes focus on the alpha.

His lip shakes as his breathing becomes labored, "A-Alpha, omega wasn't strong enough."

Yoongi shakes his head, "No, no Jimin, no."

Jimin nods, "Omega lost our pup," tears fall down his cheeks as he speaks, "O-Omega is so sorry pack alpha." He curls into himself.

Yoongi places a hand on Jimin's cheek, "Omega has nothing to apologize for. It's not your fault, little one."

Jimin's sobs become louder, "O-Omega isn't fit for alpha. Can't carry his pups, omega doesn't deserve his kindness." He can't breathe as he speaks, "O-Omega l-lost them-" Jimin howls with pain, "I lost our pup Yoongi!"

The alpha can't stand it. His heart shatters as he watches his omega be in so much pain, "Come little one, we are going to alpha's den," he stands and scoops the omega into his arms. The crying boy holds onto him while he weeps into the alpha's shirt.

Yoongi leaves the healer's den and walks to his, not acknowledging anyone who may be in his path. He's sure the scent rolling off of the omega and him is more than enough for anyone to understand what happened.

When he gets to his den, he lays the omega down on his bed and quickly looks around the building for any pillows and blankets he has. Once he can't carry anymore, he brings them to the bed with Jimin. The young man hadn't stopped crying.

Yoongi's heart ached as he carefully built a nest around his omega. Once he was satisfied with the nest, he crawled in behind Jimin and held him to his chest.

As the omega shook with sobs Yoongi tried to calm him the best he could. His scent changes to sandalwood and tangerine as he rakes his fingers through Jimin's hair and whispers softly, "It's ok omega, alpha's not upset, not with you. These things happen, little one. It's not your fault."

Jimin chokes out, "Yes! Yes, it is alpha! O-Omega didn't do something right. I- I could have done something differently, I know it. I- I could've slept more- o- or eaten better. I don't know! I- I just know I did something wrong." He sobs, "I k-know it was me! I did something."

Yoongi's heart aches so much, first seeing his omega in such distress and second coming to terms with the fact that he would no longer have a pup. He squeezed Jimin tighter, "No- No Jimin no you couldn't have. I-if you think you did something wrong then perhaps I did too. I- I could have been around you more, made sure you didn't strain yourself. Provided better meat, made sure you were taken better care of."

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