So Deep in the Forest

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The rest of hibernation wasn't fun for the young omega. The pack omegas seemed to want nothing to do with him. Some even turned their backs and left when Jimin was nearby. It was a complete 180 from how he was usually treated. Yes, the Moons were a low-class family but people always seemed to enjoy their company. Jimin was well-loved by his omega pack members, known for his kindness and smiles, but now? Now it seemed like he was shunned by all of them.

He rarely left his nest after concluding that no one would talk to him. His days were spent knitting and mending, even painting on the stone walls that cradled their nest.

When he wasn't occupying himself with craft, he was entertaining the little pups in the nest next to them. It seemed he was a sucker for the pups. The little girl especially captured his heart.

She was just 2 years old, but she loved to play with the paints. Jimin helped the little pup press her handprints against the cave wall and draw little flowers and animals. He loved to listen to the pup's ramblings about the animals she drew. Which ones were alpha and omega, who didn't like each other, which were mates, all their names. He even entertained her by drawing animals of his own and creating stories for them.

The little girl was among the only pack members who wanted to be around him so for that he was thankful. Her family and his were the only ones that showed him kindness. The others blatantly ignored him or, worse, sent glares and whispered about him when he was near.

It filled Jimin with anxiety and rejection. But eventually, spring came, and the omegas left the cave and their hibernation.

"Are either of you going to The Run?" Their mother asked as they made their way back to their den.

Taehyung shook his head, "Mother you know we don't want to participate in that." The young man had thankfully made a full recovery after having a few good meals of meat and chewing on medical herbs, a stronger method of consumption then tea.

The woman shrugs, "You don't have to participate to watch. It's fun to see the pairings come out from the forests all lovey-dovey. It's cute!"

Jimin held his furs close to his skin, the spring air still having the bite of cold in it, "I'm not going. Don't think I would be welcomed. I'm just going to make my nest and read for the next few days. My fingers are tired from all my knitting, and I miss my books."

Jungkook sighs, "Don't let this stupid situation prevent you from doing things Jimin. So what if they are upset. They'll get over it and if they don't that says more about them than you."

"I don't know, I just don't want to cause any drama. I mean I just stopped smelling of him, maybe let the dust settle before I do anything." Jimin looked down at the blankets and furs in his arms as they walked.

When they arrived at their den a message awaited on their door.

Omega whore

Jimin takes a deep breath, "See, the hostility is still very high right now. I don't want any of this to start affecting you all."

Taehyung scoffs, "To hell with that! You are our brother. What affects you affects us. If someone is picking on you, we will be here for you. Jungkookie can beat them up!"

Jungkook laughed, "Yeah! I mean Jimin, how many times did you stand up for us when we were growing up? It seemed like every day you were fighting some kind of alpha, beta, or omega for making fun of our size. Let us return the favor."

Jimin's smile was small, but it was there, "Thank you, brothers. If I ever want to go out, I'll let you know, but honestly, I really would just like to nest and read for a while."

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