Please Use This Omega

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Three months later

Jimin was sitting in the old rocking chair knitting a baby blanket for Jin's newest pups when his family got back. His mother laid the basket of foraged nuts and berries down on the kitchen table as the two boys came and curled up on the couch.

"How was foraging?" Jimin asked as he looked up from the blanket.

His mother answered, "It was nice. We couldn't go to our usual spot though. The Pack Alpha has gone into rut again and omegas aren't allowed within such a distance.

Jimin paused his hands, "Rut? How do you know?"

"Guards were blocking off the area but even if it weren't for them, it would have been obvious. The poor alpha sounds like he's in much pain." His mother's eyes were sympathetic.

Taehyung nods, "Hobi said he's refusing the help of any of the betas so it's probably his first rut alone in a long time, at least since his first one."

"Why is he going through it alone?" Jimin asked as he tried not to let his concern for the alpha show, but it was so obvious, especially to Taehyung.

The middle brother shrugs but he looks to Jimin with soft eyes, "Not sure. Could be for a number of reasons."

Jungkook speaks up, "Are we sure he's going through it alone though? I heard him calling for 'his omega.' Maybe he's just got an omega to help him instead."

Taehyung shakes his head, "No, Hobi said that he doesn't have anyone helping him. Not even an omega. Maybe Namjoon would know something if you really wanted to find out." The middle child looked at Jimin.

Jimin nods, "I- I'm sure he has a good reason."

Their mother shakes her head, "has to be a damn good one to go through it alone. Ruts are brutal enough as a regular alpha, but Pack Alpha ruts are awful. They can last up to a month if the alpha doesn't have someone to help them. Their body must feel like they have bred an omega thoroughly because of the primal need to produce the next leader. I'm sure the next month will be a long one for our leader, but he is strong, the Pack Alpha will prevail."

Jimin nods, his lip catching between his teeth and forehead creasing as he tries to focus back on his knitting. But the pain of the alpha weighs heavy on his heart, concern flooding every inch of his being.


5 days later

A long-pained howl awakens Jimin from his slumber. He sits up in bed, chest heaving as he hears another, it was bone-chilling. He looked to the boys in his room to see if either of them had heard the cry, but they were still fast asleep.

Jimin couldn't say why he felt the need to go out and find the cause of the noise. He wasn't sure if he was even processing that he was putting his furs on over his sleepwear as he moved into the room. It was like his movements were automatic, not controlled by the one doing them.

He's quiet as he leaves the bedroom and slips his shoes on. He leaves the den as silently as possible and walks into the cool October air. He looks around, trying to see the source of the howl when another rings throughout the night. His heart aches as he follows the noise.

With each cry of pain, Jimin comes closer and closer to the source. It's not until he is standing at the line marking off a section of their village did, he hear the long cry again, this time forming a word.


Jimin felt his chest pound as he recognized the pained voice of the Pack Alpha. It was the rut. He was calling for an omega and it seemed like Jimin was the only one to hear it.

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