The Hunt of the Summer Solstice

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"It's so hot," Jungkook whines as he lies on the couch.

Jimin smiles softly, "It's getting close to the summer solstice Jungkookie, it's just going to get hotter."

He whines more, "But Jimin, it feels like I'm on fire! I'm sweating so much a-and my stomach hurts."

Jimin furrows his eyebrows, "Are you sick?" He walks to his younger brother and places the back of his hand on the young boy's forehead, "Jungkookie! You're burning up!"

Their mother looks up from where she was sitting, "Honey, when you say your stomach hurts, where does it hurt?"

Jungkook turns to his side and groans as he moves his hand to his abdomen, "Here. Like it's hollow but I'm not hungry or anything. I- I just need something I don't know."

The woman's eyes soften, "Oh baby, I think you are about to present."

Jungkook snaps his head up, "What?! I- I can't be!"

Taehyung speaks softly, "Kookie, you have been nesting a lot recently. It's not too far-fetched."

Jimin sits by his brother as he rakes his hand through his sweaty hair, "Have you asked anyone to help you through your first heat? I can go get them while you get ready."

Tears come to the boy's eyes, overwhelmed by what he was feeling, "I- I thought I had more time. I was gonna ask Namjoonie but I kept putting it off."

Jimin tries to calm him, "Hey it's ok Jungkookie. I can go ask him for you. He used to always say he would help you when you were younger."

The boy whines, a few tears falling, "B- But he was just joking! And it's been years! He only said that to get me flustered."

Jimin holds him, "Brother, I'm sure he would love to help you. Let me go ask."

Jungkook sniffles as he nods, "O-Ok, just- just don't make it seem like I need him. Don't make him feel guilty. I don't want him to come out of pity."

Jimin nods, "Of course my love. You go get your nest ready. Taetae will help you with adding the heat blankets and pillows and Mother will talk you through what's going to happen, ok?"

Jungkook nods, "Wh- What will I do if he doesn't come?"

Taehyung comes over and kneels in front of his brother, "Then we will find another omega who has plenty of experience. Don't worry kookie, we will get someone to take care of you like you need." The man holds his hand to Jungkook, "Come on, let's get you to the room."

With that, the young boy stands, and Taehyung takes him to their room.

Jimin sighs as he looks over to his mother, "I guess we need to get our things to your room then?"

She nods, "seems like it. You know how important privacy is during a heat, especially the first one."

"Do you mind asking Taehyung to grab my things? I'm not sure how much time I'll have before it starts." He sighs, "Send a prayer to the moon that it is her will to send that alpha. I know Jungkook will be crushed if he says no." Jimin stands and walks to the door.

His mother looks to where the omegas had gone off to, "I will."

Jimin leaves the house and goes to Jin first. After the omega had gotten help with the pups from one of his brothers, he had been out in the village more often and consequently knew a lot of things that happened in the pack. He was a very observant and quiet man who oftentimes just enjoyed watching others in their day-to-day lives. People often forgot he was around, so he quickly became the know for anything in the pack.

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