Small Price to Pay

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When his knot has gone down Yoongi pulls out of the omega. Now with his rut over, Yoongi's mind is finally clear, and he can actually think for the first time in nearly 13 days.

He looks down at the omega. Yoongi's chest swelled with pride at Jimin's swollen belly caused by the last knot of his rut. But looking at other parts of the boy, he realized he was filthy, and Yoongi wasn't any better. The alpha stood from his bed, he knew what he would need to do for his omega. He pulled a few furs over Jimin's bare body, hoping that would be enough to supplement Yoongi's body heat, before leaving the room.

Yoongi went to the sink in the cooking area and placed a large container in it before turning the water on. It was times like this he was thankful he was the Pack Alpha. His home was one of the few connected to a well that brought water to his den.

As the bowl filled Yoongi went to his cooking fire and set it ablaze. Once the container was full Yoongi brought it over to the fire and warmed the water.

He would have to do this at least twice more to fill his tub, but it would be well worth it for his omega.

Once the tub was filled and the water not too hot the alpha went to his bedroom. He drew back the furs from Jimin's body and gathered the boy into his arms. He didn't once stir, sleep holding him in its strong embrace, and Yoongi was thankful for it. He wanted the omega to rest for as long as he needed.

He settled Jimin into the tub and got to work cleaning the omega's skin. He first started by soaping his hair. Yoongi gently scrubbed Jimin's scalp, washing away dried cum and sweat. He did this until he felt it was clean and then moved onto his face.

His heart began to ache as he took in the poor omega's face. His eyes were swollen from days of crying, his lips bitten raw, the skin around them red, and his cheeks were red and splotchy. Yoongi had to take a moment. He nosed the boy's cheek and softly apologized, "I'm so sorry Omega." He kissed his skin softly before he continued to his neck.

Yoongi felt ashamed at the state of the man's skin. Every bit of Jimin's scent gland was covered in bruises the area a mix of dark purple, blue, red, and pink. Scattered around the rest of his neck, shoulders, and collarbones were bruises and bite marks that Yoongi knew had to be from his wolf fangs, too large to be from his normal canines.

Yoongi tried not to dwell in his guilt for the condition Jimin was in, trying to focus his attention on just cleaning him the best he could. When it came time to clean Jimin's lower half Yoongi had to find a position that wouldn't wake or hurt the omega. When he finally did, it came time for Yoongi's least favorite part. With one hand he held Jimin's cheeks open and with the other, he applied soft pressure to his swollen belly. Yoongi's cum came out of his omega in a gush, the water turning a cloudy color.

Yoongi sighed, he would have to change the bath water and get the omega in the bath once more.

So that's what he did. Yoongi picked the omega up and laid him down on a pallet of blankets and towels near the fireplace. He then got to work on draining the tub and refilling it with warm water. Once that was done, he lifted Jimin up and placed him back into the tub. This time the omega was nearly clean, Yoongi just needed to do a once-over of his whole body and then he would be done.

After he is finally satisfied with Jimin's cleanliness he carries him out of the tub and dries him off. He lays the omega on the couch before going back to his bedroom and stripping the bed of any cum covered furs, blankets, and pillows. With the remaining items, he created a small nest for his lover and then brought him in. He laid Jimin down on the blankets and covered him with his warmest blankets and furs.

After he was sure the omega was ok, he went and washed himself.


"It's been three days! H- He should be awake by now! Why isn't he awake? The betas never take this long to recover." Jimin hears a slightly panicked voice.

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