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I kicked the sand in front of me with my feet as I walked. I still didn't know what me and Aonung were - and if we were even something. We had a lot of 'moments' together and even then I still didn't know if I actually had feelings for him. I have never felt like this before - there weren't many guys that I found attractive in the forest. As I kept walking along the shoreline, I heard someone behind me. I turned around to see it was Na'itan.

"Hi." I smiled and turned my head back around. "Hey" He responded, catching his breath. "Did you want to talk to me?" I asked, looking ahead. "Yeah"
"So what's up?" I asked trying to continue the conversation. "I don't know, I just wanted to hang out you know? Get to know you better." He huffed, slightly smiling. "Yeah sure. I would like that." I smiled at him.

"What do you normally do in the forest?" Itan asked. "Uhm I normally would hang out with my siblings and Spider. We would either climb the mountains, train to be warriors or ride our ikrans." I answered. "Who's Spider?" He asked. "It's this human boy who was always with our family and we ended up becoming friends." I explained. "So he's one of the sky people. Earth boy." Itan said. "Yeah pretty much." I thinned my lips.

"And the creatures that you and your family were riding on when you guys came here - those were ikrans?" He asked and stopped walking. I stopped as well. "Yeah. How do you know?" I asked back. "I saw you guys riding them when you and your family first arrived. Your family definitely caught everyone in this villages attention - maybe other villages too." He said. "Really? I didn't know we would catch that much of people's attention coming there." I widened my eyes, looking at him. "Well you definitely caught my attention." He smiled. I felt myself starting to blush. "Did I really stand out that much?" I raised an eyebrow, slightly smiling. "Yeah." He continued to smile. We stayed quiet and kept staring at each other not breaking eye contact. Itan cleared his throat and we broke eye contact.

"The tulkuns should be arriving soon. Want to come?" He asked. "Oh yeah sure. I would love to see them." I smiled and he smiled back after hearing my answer. "Come on!" He grabbed my wrist and started running which made me run too.

Itan's POV

I grabbed y/n's wrist to have her run with me to where the tulkuns were coming from. I could tell she was enjoying it. While I was running with her, I looked behind me to see her smiling at me. I smiled back at her and turned my head around. I called for my ilu when we got to the water. "Should I call for mine too?" Y/n asked. "There's no time, hop on." I said, getting on my ilu. The ilu dived into the water with us on it. I placed my hand on y/n's thigh to make sure she doesn't fall. Her face lit up as she saw hundreds of tulkuns swimming towards our direction. We came up the surface to see more of the tulkuns.

"I will show you my spirit brother." I said, smiling.

Y/n's POV

I nodded and looked around us to see Aonung looking for his soul brother. He looked so happy that it made me happy. I held my breath as we went underwater. When we found Itan's spirit brother, I stayed at the surface of the water while he would stay in the water to talk to him. I watched him from afar signing to the tulkun but I couldn't understand what it meant yet.

Itan's POV

'I met a girl.' I signed to my brother. 'She's up there.'
'It's about time you found someone'
'Oh shut up. We are just getting to know each other properly.'
'I'm happy for you"
'Thank you brother.'

Aonung's POV

I was just about to head back to the village to get ready for the festival until I saw y/n with Na'itan. They both looked happy which made me feel jealous. They looked like they had known each other their whole lives. Why couldn't that be me? I frowned at the sight of them together and swam away.

Y/n's POV

I looked to see Aonung swimming back to the village and he didn't exactly look happy. Did something happen? Should I go after him? I didn't know what to do so I just kept watching him swim away with his ilu. Itan and his ilu swam back up to the surface and I got on. Not long later I came to our pod and just dropped myself on the floor. I never realised how tired I was until laying down. I closed my eyes and enjoyed how quiet it was. The peaceful moment was quickly gone by Lo'ak entering the pod. I furred my eyebrows to the sound of his voice. I kept my eyes shut and continued to lay down. I felt a kick to the side of my lower thigh. I groaned knowing that Lo'ak was going to bother me.

"Why are you lying down?" He asked expressing the 'you'. "I'm tired Lo'ak, leave me alone. Go kiss up to your girlfriend Tsireya or something just go away."
He scoffed. "You sound like you have had a lot of experience with that lately." I opened my eyes and got up halfway, leaning on my arms. "What's that supposed to mean?" I looked up at him. "We all know you have a crush on Aonung - it's very obvious. And now you're hanging out with Na'itan? ALONE?"
"I don't have a crush on Aonung and there is nothing going on between me and Itan." I frowned at him. "Mhm yeah sure. Just so you know I have my eyes on you." He crept out of the pod. I rolled my eyes. "Weirdo." I mumbled.

After I finish this story I feel like maybe I should write a 'Neteyam x Reader' or something but idk

Omaticaya x Metkayina | Aonung x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now