ᴀ.. ᴘᴜᴘᴘᴇᴛ?

21 3 0

Sorry for not being able to update, I js got back from my grandma's funeral + my granpa's funeral so, it's been rough for me, but I finally got the motivation to update, so here you go 😋

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You were a puppet...

Its been a week since you became one.

You don't know how or why but you knew that Eros was somehow involved in this. You numerously said that would do anything to get your mistress back, and by anything, you meant everything and anything. You would do everything and anything just to be with your mistress again. You didn't care what you had to do, you would do it nevertheless. No questions asked. No questions answered.

You devoted yourself to her, as did she. You would commit unspeakable things for her, as would she. You would commit war crimes for her, as would she.

Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by a knock. A knock on your door. You stood up from your couch and peeked through the small hole on your curtain. "Hello?~" Another knock. It was... a blonde puppet, question mark? It, seemed friendly. You slowly walked away from the window and walked towards your door, your hand on the handle as you thought about it for a moment.

Should I open the door. Should I greet whatever this is. Should I be nice. I don't even know who or what this is.

Thoughts like those raced through your mind. It only took another knock for you to snap out of them and accidentally open the door in surprise. "Oh hello there! I was starting to think that no one was home!" Uhm... Who- "Anyhow! I'm Julie Joyful! What seems to be your name, dear neighbor!" Silence. ... Well this is... odd.. You stared at her in silence for a few moments before finally speaking up. "I'm... [...]" You were startled by the sudden beep noise when you said your, supposed name. It was almost as if it redacted your name... You looked around as you tried to find the source of the mysterious sound that just emitted. "What a wonderful name!" ...How can you even know what my name is- "I was wondering if you wanted to plant some flowers with me!" ... Weird. "Uhm... sure?" A sound of excitement came out of her mouth as she practically dragged you out of your house, without any warning whatsoever.

It was... strange. To say the least. You woke up in a puppet world and immediately get dragged out of your house by a puppet with blonde hair. What a strange world it was.

"By the way! I haven't seen you before! Are you perhaps new?" You only nodded in response as you looked around, taking in the puppet world Eros had placed you in.

A house in the middle of the town with... eyes? It gave you the creeps, shivers down your spine. Was it sentient? It looks like it.. Before you knew it, it's eyes suddenly landed on you, making you look away from it as you caught up with 'Julie'.

As the two of you planted some flowers together, Julie was kind enough to give you a brief summary of who is who and who lives in which house. A jokester lived inside the big blue.. dog house? A grumpy individual (as Julie described) lived right between Julie and the jokester's house. Julie lived inside a red house that had flowers surrounding it. A star that fell from the sky lived right to the left of Julie's house. A big chicken, or as Julie would describe them, somewhat a mother figure lived inside the red barn. A caterpillar could be seen inside the "Bugdega" (??) as Julie said. Etc. You get the gist of it by now.

"And that house right there," Julie pointed at the sentient house in the middle. It's eyes on both of you, but mostly on you. "That's where Wally lives, and that's Home! Wally's house!" Julie waved at the sentient house. You could only smile awkwardly at it. You found it weird.

Very weird.

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Hallooo :D

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