clrs; 4

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She is dangerous, she is the kind of person my parents always warned me about, but for some reason, I just can't get enough of her. She reminds me of marijuana, once you get a taste of her, you would want more. Her hair is as red as the fire; her skin is as white as the cigarette; but her passion is as dry as the tobacco in it. Many people are addicted to different things, like smoking, drinking, cutting, but my addiction is her. She's like a drug. She's my drug. I want to smell her, I want to taste her, and I don't mean any of that in a sexual way. I just want to know her, I just want her to feel the same way I do, I want her to have the same passion I have, I want her to be obsessed with me as I with her. I'm sick and tired of feeling like people don't care about me, I just want someone to care, I just want to be loved.


Ashley set down her book and looked around, she was anxious. She was afraid that Hayley wouldn't come. It wasn't like she was supposed to, but it was like an unspoken rule that they would come to this cafe everyday at 2pm and they both have for the past week. Except for today, it was Monday. It was already 3pm and Ashley had already finished her hot chocolate. She stood up hesitantly, but then she sat back down, she still had a little bit of hope that Hayley would come, so she just took out her phone and just scrolled through her instagram feed, liking a post every now and then. After a while, she looked up and she finally saw the fiery headed girl she was expecting, but this time, she came in with a boy with brown hair. Ashley's heart dropped, she suddenly felt that familiar ache that in her chest that she haven't felt in a while, but nonetheless, as Hayley approached, she smiled.

"Ashley." Ashley swallowed the lump in her throat as she noticed Hayley's lack of use of their nickname.

"Hayley." She giggled, but for the fist time since they met, it was fake.

"This is Dan, my boyfriend." She said, pointing at him, but he was giving Hayley an odd look. "Dan, that's Ashley."

Ashley held out her hand and forced the biggest smile she could, she could barely keep up to the beating on her chest, she felt disconnected with her heart, she felt like someone was playing football with her heart, it was just being kicked around inside a black void.

"Nice to meet you Ashley." Dan said hinting a British accent and smiled, then shook her hand.

She's mine. She thought, however she also thought that Dan suited Hayley, because they seemed to dress similarly.

"Well, I thought that you guys should meet because the two of you are the only people that don't make me want to kill myself."

"I think that's the most nicest think you've ever said," Dan utters, his accent sounding thicker this time.

Hayley then rolls her eyes and drops her bag on Dan's lap, walking away as she said that she was going to order something to drink.

"So..." Ashley said. "How long have you guys been dating."

"We're not." Dan laughed, making Ashley more confused.

"But she said-"

"I know, but we're not dating," Dan then stands up and looks around. "Wait a second." He then puts Hayley's bag down on his chair and walked off to God knows where.

Ashley then bites her lip, hiding the smile that was threatening to escape her lips.

Dan then returned, holding a chair and placing it on his left side and Ashley's right side. Basically placed in between them.

"Anyways, if Hayley was to date someone, it would be you." Ashley widened her eyes and blushed, shaking her head.

"I doubt-"

"I'm sorry if I keep cutting you off, but I would just like to say that you are so damn naïve," Dan chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "Like, can't you tell? She seems so happier with you and even though she repeatedly says that she's straight as a pole, her attitude says that she's as straight as lines I draw without rulers, and I draw very squiggly lines."

Dan then turns to Hayley who was waiting for her order, Ashley then follows his gaze and noticed that Hayley was staring at them. "See she's staring, and she tapping her feet, it's a nervous habbit."

"She's staring at you."

"No Hun, she's staring at you." Dan groans. "She told you that I'm her boyfriend because she's afraid that you'll end up liking me, and she keeps looking back because she-"

"She what, honey?" Hayley uttered, cutting of Dan. Hayley was about a metre a way and she clearly heard what Dan said, she smiled at Dan, but it suggested I will murder you rather than I love you.

"The only truth that Dan said is that hes not my boyfriend, but the rest is bullshit."

"Fine..." Dan says, taking the other mug that Hayley was holding, then faces Ashley, smirking. "But trust me, she would be eating you out soon while repeating 'no homo' again and again."

A/N Hashley af can i get a hell yeah, and even Dan is Hashley af. Anyways, if you liked it please vote and comment, ily, and also I'm showing Ashley's depressing side because no one is that happy and giggly irl.

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