clrs; 10.

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Dan joined Ashley in the coffee shop this time, but he seemed tense, and Ashley's had no idea why. His mug of coffee was still untouched and it was almost getting cold, Ashley kept trying to start conversations, but he only answered very briefly, leaving her confused. So the two sat silently, the silence felt tense and awkward, they both just wanted the moment to pass.

"There's absolutely no good way of saying this but... " Dan began. "Hayley wasn't handling her problems nicely, so... Uh... Last night," Dan's voice shook and his eyes started to water. "She decided to take all of her problems away, in the worst possible way."

Ashley suddenly ran out of the small coffee shop, but as she reached an alley she stopped halfway through, then her knees dropped, as if it had given up. Her hands were shaking, her chest felt heavy and her thoughts started to race. She then clutched her chest and bowed her head, she felt as if she couldn't breathe and her eyesight was blocked with the tears that stung her eyes, her lips were quivering. She then crawled to her left and sat against the bricks.

"COME BACK HAYLEY I NEED YOU!" Ashley screamed, she felt like she was going insane. She then hugged her legs and buried her head on top of it. She suddenly remebered the comfort of Hayley's arms and her soft voice, she suddenly felt a pain in her chest, it felt like someone has literally ripped her heart out. Her chest was rapidly moving up and down, she was dying to catch her breath. Tears continously escaped her eyes and glistened her cheeks.

She then lifted her head and faced th opposite wall, she didn't even know why she ran away; she could have just talked to Dan like a normal person. It was like her legs had a mind of their own, and frankly, she didn't feel like she was herself anymore, she felt like she was possesed by someone else.

She felt like Hayley took away all the light that she had given her, and all she wanted to do was scream until her lungs gave up, but she couldn't, the swarming crowd of people in the streets that was only a few metres away would hear her and she didn't want that.

"Why the fuck did you leave me alone?" Ashley whispered, the tears continuously streaming down her face. "I knew I wasn't enough to keep you alive, but I told you I wanted to give you more reasons to be inspired, more reasons to live. Hayley, you fucking told me that you loved me, how can you just walk away? Did you not think about me, or about anyone else who cares about you?" Ashley said, but her voice cracked numerous of times as she did. "I feel like we were on a boat in the middle of a vast ocean, but even though we were alone, I wasn't scared, and I felt safe... But then you suddenly jumped off the boat, and I don't even know how I can survive alone. I don't think I can ever fucking feel safe again. Now you're just a ghost, what happened to the soul that you used to be? Right now while in talking to no one, and I probably seem insane, I feel like I'm just searching for you, I feel like I'm searching for something that I can't reach."

Suddenly someone sat down beside Ahsley, she looked up and saw Dan. The two just sat silently in the empty alleyway, while her head was burried on his shoulder and his hands wrapped around her. Even though they felt alone, they weren't. There was another girl with long grey hair sitting on the opposite wall, regretting a decision she made in a drunken night.

SORRY BUT IT HAD TO HAPPEN, and if you actually cried then I feel like I accomplished something. I made you attached to something then ripped it away from you lol.


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