27 - Answers

42 4 1

Iris's POV

"This is weird right? " Asks Araceli for the fifth time since we've been confined to our living quarters.  "Don't you all think that this is weird? "

"Yes darling, we all think it's weird, so can you stop asking us that fucking question over and over again? " I say, finally snapping.

"Sheesh, its just a question, I can't help that I'm freaking out a little. " She says with a slight pout on her face while folding her arms.

"No, but you can help how quiet you are. " I point out and her pout shifts to a glare.

We stay silent for what feels like hours, but probably was just five minutes, before Alpha Dimitri comes barging through our doors.

"Hello again children, I hope I didn't keep you waiting. " He addresses us with a smile which is beyond shocking. I don't think I've ever seen this man smile before, he always had that villain mean look to him.

"We don't care for this new clown act you've adopted Dimitri, we only want an explanation from you. " I say, hoping to God I sound brave as hell, cause this man creeps me the fuck out.

Suddenly, I'm being pinned face down on the floor, unable to move an inch. I could hear warning growls coming from my team that suddenly turned to whines and whimpers.

"Careful little demon, just because you're no longer susceptible to Demetrius's little migraine trick doesn't mean that you're a match for the rest of us. " He said in a bored tone, but he was no longer smiling.

He released me from his hold and I immediately got up backed up closer to my team, whom from the looks of it had been under his control as well, the four of us instinctively forming a half circle and giving out warning growls at him.

"You can stop growling now, it's not like you could do anything harmful to me. " His tone was condescending and the truthfulness of his words left a bitterness in my mouth.

We stopped growling but kept our formation, eyes narrowed at him in suspicion and caution.

"Now that we've established the hierarchy of things, I think it's story time. " He was gleeful again, smiling like he didn't just call us weak and have us immobile without moving a muscle less than a minute ago.

"The first thing the four of you should know is that you're not werewolves. Your demons that have a little bit of werewolf DNA in you. " He says casually and throws all four of us in turmoil.

Araceli and Lauren are yelling at him, calling him a liar and questioning his motives while Delgado is letting out loud threatening growls, looking ready to have a go at him even though we all know the outcome.

I on the other hand am trying to piece my thoughts together amidst this chaos that has ensued.

I can understand if we were werewolves with slight demon DNA, because of the experiment, but us having more demon DNA would mean that they wiped out most of our wolf DNA and I don't know how they could have possibly done that.

"Explain yourself. " I say and the other three quiet down to hear what he has to say.

"You know how in human DNA, if let's say a white man and a black woman procreate, the child ends up having half of both DNA, and if that child procreates with a black person, their child ends up with more black DNA and so on if they're child and its child and its child keep going like that until there's barely a trace of the white DNA anymore? " He pauses to see if we're still following before he continues. "Well, since the demons are extinct, there was no way for us to do that with you, so we found a way to scientifically create that effect in your DNA and speed it up so most of your wolf genes would be eradicated. "

The fuck?

"Granted, we couldn't eliminate all of your wolf genes, but don't worry, your demon genes are currently doing that as we speak. Hence your red eyes. " He looks so proud of this. He's definitely a psycho. "See, these......trainings and tests we've been putting you all through have been to awaken your demon genes fully so you could all become full demons and at the end if there is any of you who fails to awaken these genes, they will be neutralised as we have no room for failed experiments if we hope to win this war. "

We're all silent after he finishes his explanation. I'm trying to analyse and understand what this crazy fucker just said and though it may seem small and insignificant, it is not.

We just got told that who we are, what we are, has been a lie. Our entire identity has been stolen from us an all we are now are a bunch of successful lab experiments.

"After telling us all this, what makes you think we'll still take orders from you, much less fight your war? " I ask after a couple minutes of silence.

"If the earlier demonstration I gave isn't enough to convince you lot that I am much stronger than all of you, then how about the fact that Moren could turn you all into mindless zombies and have you doing our bidden without even breaking a sweat? " He asks with a smile that reminds of that creepy upside down smiling emoji.

I actually forgot about the factthat the rest of the council haven't shown us their powers yet.

Fuck, we're in deep shit.

"Now, before I leave you all to think on what I've just told you, here's a piece of advice. Just do as you're told and carry on with your training. Don't make a fuss about this and just get stronger. The sooner you become full fledged demons who can actually use their abilities properly, the sooner we can fight and win this war and we'll no longer need to use you. " I wonder if he really considers that good advice. "Good bye children, I'll see you bright and early tomorrow. I'm going to be taking personal care of your training from now on. "

And after dropping that last bomb on us, he waltzes out as quickly as he came in, leaving us no room to say anything, not that we could form proper sentences right now.

What a shitty fucking day.

Lycans - Book 1 Of The Awakening Series Where stories live. Discover now