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Hey everyone! So I just wanted to tell you that I am going on summer vacation in two days. I normally update at school on my computer there, but now that school is almost done I probably wont be updating as much. Instead I will be in the pool, hanging out with friends, shopping, etc. Also normally I am grounded so school is the only place that I can update. My editor is also going on Summer vacation so she probably would not be able to edit a lot, shoutout to JordonisCool5, my guess is mainly because she will be cuddling with her boyfriend. Anyways, I will try to update when I can, but I also get grounded a LOT so I probably wont even be able to update. On top of all that I have had some writers block lately so thats not helping. Sorry for you few IHAHM fans, I'll try to update when I can.

Talk to you all soon!


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