Chapter 3

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"This chapter has some swearing and sexual content. If this offends you, please do not read

Sarah POV
"Darren let me just first say thank you very much for the drinks and also thank you for coming to my aid with that douche bag ,some guys just don't know when to take no for an answer".

"Piss me off when he put his hands on you. No, guys should touch a woman like that."

"Aren't you just a sweetheart?" he laughs. No guy has ever affected me like this before, just listening to his voice, and I can feel that my panties are wet.

"I happen to think that you look fucking gorgeous curves in all the right places." He leans in closer "hips to hold onto while I fuck my cock in and out of you." I gasp at his words. I can feel my nipples hard and pushing against my dress he looks down and smiles.

"Are you looking for a one night stand, Darren? Because I am not that sort of girl!"

"No, babe, I don't think I'll be satisfied with just one night."

"You're quite the charmer!"

"When I see something I want I don't see the point in fucking around I just go for it." He leans in he's going to kiss me my god I want this man to kiss me and just before our lips touch Anna ,Janet and Mary are there.

"Sarah, I think it's time we got going to work tomorrow!" Anna snaps

"Yes, you're right okay well let's go." I look at Darren  "Maybe I'll see you again sometime."

"Yes, you will for sure!. Girls. I can see that you're looking out for your friend, and that's great, but can I just say goodbye to Sarah?" The girls look at me. I nod my head.

"Okay, whatever, we will wait over there by the door." Anna snaps again, and they head off.

"Can I have your number?" Darren asks

"Yeah sure okay" so we swapped phones and put our numbers into each others phones

"Well, I'll text you sometime," he smiles

"Just one more thing, Sarah," and then he leans over to me and kisses me his tongue runs along my lips, seeking entrance, which I grant. As soon as my lips part, his tongue slides into my mouth. Our tongues  slide over each other, our mouths fused together, I drown in his kiss, breathing is becoming harder, and I don't want to leave his mouth. Reluctantly, we break the kiss, my hands in his hair, his arms around my waist.

"I better be going. Oh god, my voice sounds breathless, my hands still in his hair. The last thing I want to do is go.

"I'll text you later, babe,"

"I hope so." I get up and start walking away. I keep telling myself, "Don't look back, I look back." When I get to the girls, they have smiles on their faces except Anna, who is looking the other way.

"What?" they smile

"I thought we were going cause of work tomorrow!" Anna says

"We are going  back to yours!  you are then going to tell us all about the owner!" Janet says they laugh except Anna

"Wait, how did you know he was the owner?" I ask

"Steve told us," Mary says. Anna grunts. I put Anna's mood down to the day she had.

Once we get home, all of us go into the front room ,Anna disappears into her room. I go to the kitchen and make some coffee for us all.

"I think we have enough to drink." I place the tray on the table.

"Come on, spill!" Janet says

"Well he certainly doesn't hang about" I told them what he said to me by the time I was finished Janet was laughing while Mary was so red I thought we were going to see steam coming out of her ears.

"That kiss!" Janet smiles while fanning herself

"Yes, he is a very good kisser." Just then, my phone goes off. Janet grabs it  running around the front room like an idiot with my phone.

"Sleep well, gorgeous!"

"Give me that now!"

"No!" Janet  says, and she is typing a message
"What are you doing?"

"And send," then she presses send she throws the phone at me. I looked at the text she sent

"Goodnight sexy I can still taste you on my lips. I wish you were here for seconds!"

"Omg what the fuck Janet! " After we have a laugh about it we sit there chatting for a while, Anna comes in with her pyjamas on and sits on the chair.

"Hey would you like some coffee?" I ask her


"It's time to go we have work tomorrow!" Mary says I can tell she feels uncomfortable she calls a cab for her and Janet. I'm surprised a couple of minutes later when there is a knock on the door.

"That's fast maybe there not so busy" they get the stuff ready to leave we go to the door to say goodbye, I have the shock of my life there on the other side stood Darren.

"What the fuck!" Janet says

"Hello again Sarah, ladies" just then a taxi pulls up.

"That's our que to leave!" Mary says I kiss Mary and Janet goodbye and watch the taxi pull away.

"Am I to stand here all night, or are you going to invite me in?"

"Sorry, come in. I'm just surprised to see you." he walks past me into the living room. Anna is there

"I'm going to bed!"

"I don't think she likes me!" Darren says

"No, just a hard day at work." Anna comes storming back in.

"How did you find out where we lived?"

"Oh, that." Darren smiles

"Yes, that!"

"I phoned the taxi company who brought you home."

"They told you?" Anna screeches

"Yep," he smiles

"Fuck sake they should not of done that I'll phone them tomorrow!." Before we could answer she turns goes into her room and slams the door I sit there looking at Darren.

"Wow," Darren says

"Don't worry about it." we look out for each other, and Darren and I sit on the settee, then he wraps one arm around me, and then he tilts my chin back with the other.

"I came to make good on the text you sent me," and with that said he lips come down on mine. The kiss was just as good if not better than the first when we come up for air we are forehead to forehead

"I have a confession,"

"Oh yes, what do you have to confess?"

"Janet sent that message." I laugh

"Well, I'm glad she did. Maybe next time you will text me instead," he pecks me on the lips again  "I better go. You have work tomorrow,"

"Yes I do, I lean forward lightly, brushing his lips with mine .Come on, I'll show you out." we go to the front door, say our goodbye, and with one last kiss, he leaves.
I lean against the front door with a silly smile on my face. I walk into the front room and pick the tray up, taking it to the kitchen. I wash the cups and put them away. I think back to Anna she was fine at the beginning of the night, I put it down to her just being tired, making sure everything is locked I turn the lights off and head to bed as I walk past Anna's door I knock lightly and say goodnight I get no answer,she must be asleep going to my room I put my pyjamas on and climb into bed.

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