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Chapter Six. The Bridge between Confusion and Clarity

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It was already an hour into the lecture and Misa found it hard to focus in on the subject

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It was already an hour into the lecture and Misa found it hard to focus in on the subject. It was nothing new since the teacher was going on and on about the topic of blood tablets and its origins. Her mind wandered to many places and she zoned out a couple times all throughout. It was when she heard a mumbling voice that she finally snapped out of it.

Her silver-grey eyes met wine-red.

"My apologies, Kaname. Could you repeat that?" She asked of the man.

"I was just wondering what you were thinking about so hard that you couldn't hear me call you." He asked with a ghost of a smile, his hands in midway of turning a page of his novel.

"Oh," Her cheeks dusted pink. "I have a couple things on my mind. I'm not sure if they're worth mentioning though."

The Kuran tilted his head. "Do tell."

Misa hesitated.

Would Kaname judge her for feeling the way she felt? She was scared of him seeing her in a different light and as a result he would away and never look at her any longer. But if she were refrain from communicating her thoughts and feelings, what would make of their relationship? Wouldn't it just become unbalanced and unresolved? How would she feel seen or known if she just kept things to herself?

After a moment of reasoning with herself, Misa worked up the courage. "Well, I—" She started.

"Lord Kaname, Lady Misa, I apologise from the interruption but..." Takuma had appeared from out of the blue and leaned over to whisper something in his Lord's ear.

"Yuki has gone missing?" Kaname quietly repeated to the Aristocrat.

Takuma nodded. "The Headmaster had sent her off to run some errands in town, but that was a while ago and she still isn't back. Her friend, the white-haired Level D, had gone after her as soon as he heard she was missing but I doubt he'll find her in time."

The Kuran slowly stood from his seat which had interrupted the Lecturer's endless speech. Majority of the Night Class students turned to look at him but he waved for them to carry on.

"I'll go with you, Kaname." Misa stated. The dark-haired Pureblood only nodded in response and she quickly followed suit with Takuma trailing not far behind her.

It didn't take long for them to arrive in town. Kaname was quick on his heels while both Misa and Takuma didn't question they were as the Kuran had a rough idea where the young girl would be. Misa scanned the area and noted that this part of town was the most dangerous. Majority of the buildings were either old or falling apart, but it was home to many things-- including Level Es.

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