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Chapter Seven. Sleeping Beauty

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Come to me, Misaki. Come to me, and I'll give you the world.

I don't need it. I've told you time and time again that I don't want to have anything to do with you. You need to learn when to give up.

Give up? Give you up? You think I've waited all these years just to give you up? I'm the only one who deserves to have your heart. I'm the only one who can love you.

That's obsession, not love. You're obsessed with me, you have been for years and no matter what I say or do, you refuse to listen to me.

Let's say it is. Do you think you're any different from me? Always doing the chasing, always obsessing over what they're doing, who they're talking to or where they are.

I'm nothing like you.

Now, now Ojou-sama. You'll find that we're very similar whether you like it or not. Do you think your so-called 'Lover' hasn't noticed this part about you? What do you think he thinks of it?

Why are you suddenly mentioning him?

Because you need to open your eyes, Misaki. No one can love you, unless it's me.

The raven-haired beauty shot open her grey eyes. She was practically panting as her blurry eyes adjusted to her surroundings after that awful dream.

Was that really a dream, though? It felt like it was a pathway for him to speak to her. He always found a way to get into her head.

Brushing her hair out of her face, she ignored the man's words repeating in her head like a broken record and pushed it aside to deal with later before she got too annoyed.

Her eyes shifted over to watch over the sleeping brunette in the bed.

Last night, after Kaname had assured her over the matters bothering her, he had left to tend to some business with the Headmaster, which she was 90 percent sure it was to inform about Yuki's incident and where they found her. Whilst he had done that, Misa took care of her and made sure she was safe.

Whilst there wasn't any sign of her waking up nor Kaname returning, Misa took it in her liberty to patch up some of the buttons of the Kuran's dress shirts, or otherwise she'd die of boredom, and somehow ended up falling asleep on a seat beside the bed.

Now she has woken up, her throat was parched and she was rather hungry after having forgotten to eat after everything that happened yesterday.

As if on cue, in entered a familiar blue-eyed man, ready to be at service. In his hands held a a cup of water and a tray of blood tablets, much to her distaste. She would rather drink from Kaname, but it just couldn't be helped since he wasn't present. Drinking from a human was strictly forbidden here at Cross Academy, but blood sharing between Vampires was fine, and although she could drink from any of the Night Class students, she wasn't too fond of the idea of drinking from another man other than Kaname.

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