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Chapter Eight. The Runaway

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Wherever Misa went, Yuki couldn't stop her eyes from following after her

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Wherever Misa went, Yuki couldn't stop her eyes from following after her.

A month since meeting her, she was always interested as to what the raven-haired Pureblood was up to. She admired the way she stood strong and tall as she lead the Night Class along with Kaname. She was also quite the ethereal beauty, a perfect portrait that'd come to life, and to top it all of Misa Hideyoki was kind, unlike majority of the Vampires she'd encounter. Yuki remembered the way Misa had comforted her in her arms as she wept like a big baby in front of her, the feeling of her hand stroking her hair and patting her back was so loving that she saw the Pureblood as an older sister in that moment.

From what Yuki observed, Misa were loved by the many in the Night Class. She has a big fan base of Day Class students, and even they were going as far as nicknaming her the 'Night Class Sweetheart'. Everyone seemed to love her, and Yuki was just one of her many admirers.

So since when did Yuki's admiration begin to turn into envy? She wanted to be just like Misa, she wanted to be loved like Misa. She envied the attention the Pureblood got without even trying. She knew she shouldn't have these thoughts, but she just couldn't help it.

She compared herself to her, and the more she did so, the more the she couldn't stop watching the Pureblood, not because of how perfect Misa was, but because Yuki utterly had no great qualities about her that could compare to her.

When the Headmaster told her to run an errand for him in town, she instantly took on the job. Later she had encountered a Level E disguised as a human boy. She knew he was trying to lure her away into the shadows so that he could eat her, but she followed after him anyway. Why? So that she could prove to herself that she wasn't a useless thing wielding a weapon, that there was at least a good quality about her she could show too. She was a Prefect, a guardian between the Human and Vampire race of Cross Academy. She didn't want people thinking she acquired that position merely because she was the adoptive daughter of the Headmaster, that it didn't all come to her on a silver platter.

Proving herself didn't go so much as planned, when she went ahead and got herself hurt. It was all ruined.

Why was she feeling like this? It wasn't right for her to put Misa on such a high pedestal when she barely knew her. But again, she just couldn't help it. Ever since her arrival at Cross Academy, ever since the very first time she was introduced to Misa, Yuki had been feeling uneasy and insecure.

She couldn't explain the hurt she felt seeing how the Kuran started acknowledging and interacting with her less than before.

Years ago, the Kuran saved her. He went out of his way to visit her every year for her birthday and had even gifted her a rose that bloomed once every ten years. He seemed so close, but so far away, he wasn't a person that allowed many people close but the rules were bent when it came to her, a random girl he saved when she was little.

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