Chapter 2 - The Exam

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"Hey Katsuki, you look like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you good?" You ask Bakugou. "I'm better than you." He responds sarcastically. "Uh huh, I bet you couldn't even beat that purple prick that I spooked this morning!" You say, starting to laugh. Bakugou starts chuckling. "We'll see about that dumbass." He responds. "That we shall!" You say agreeing with him, you gently push his shoulder. He scoffs.

The giant gates open, as everyone starts running into it, spreading into different directions, you and Bakugou separate. You start using super hearing to listen for bots. You use a super jump to get a higher view.

You see about 4-5 robots, using super speed to get to the closest one, you make yourself into a giant, but not to giant, grabbing the robot and throwing it to the ground, earning points. You find another from being giant and shrink back down to normal size, you use a floating quirk to grab the bot and lift it into the air, then dropping it. Suddenly you hear screaming, you look over to see a girl with short brown hair, running from a bot almost getting stepped on. "SHIT! HOLD ON GIRL!" You use a teleportation power to teleport the girl into your arms. "Who are you?!" She asks. "Your hero, now do you want the points for this bot?" She just nods. "Great! Hold on to my back."  She holds on, tightly. You use a super strength quirk to punch the bot, then use a fire quirk to burn it. When you defeat the robot you look into a camera the teachers are looking through, you then mentally contact your dad saying " i want the points to go to the girl.He agrees. "Okay! I'm gonna put you down now, that okay?" She just nods. "Awesome! See ya later Princess!" You say after leaping off the building top you set her on. You can hear her giggling from a distance, making you smile. You see another robot from afar, rushing over to it. You notice Bakugou fighting it aswell so you decide to leave that one alone, you find two other and destroy them with ease. You were feeling tired so you landed for a bit to rest.

After a few minutes you start to hear yelling. You float up to see almost every kid that's in the program fighting a giant bot. They seem like their failing, miserably. You look at a camera, confused. You end up getting a chunk of building thrown at you, dodging the attack you get madder, flying towards the bot. You float on top of the other students. You use a mental group talk thingy to talk to all of them, saying "I'm the girl floating on top of you right now okay? I need everyone to get into a group, and on the count of 3 we all need to use our quirk at the head of the robot, and anyone that needs to throw something to use it, find somethin, got it? AND BAKUGOU YOU BETTER NOT FIGHT WITH ME!"

Everyone actually starts to agree and gets in a group. "One... Two... THREE!" You count down and on 3 everyone throws and charges at the robot, a couple of people get thrown back which you caught and healed of any injuries. "Everyone okay?!" You ask while setting people down. Suddenly you see Bakugou flying away from bot. You fly upwards, using super speed to catch up with him. He flys into your chest, knocking you back a little bit.

You hold him for a second while he regains his strength. You end up holding him bride style for few seconds more. You suddenly feel him gently pat his hand against your stomach, signaling he's fine. Suddenly you realize, "This dude has fucking abs... he's Actually kind of ho-" Bakugou pats his hand against you again, breaking your thought, "Oh yeah sorry Bakugou!" You apologize as you set him down letting him get back into the action.

Finally, the robot collapses and everyone starts cheering. You smile at everyone being happy, when you see a flame shoot by you, "Bakugou." You think as you look down at him. He's waving at you, signaling to come down. You slowly make your way down. "Hey dumbass, how'd you know how to defeat this massive ass dude?!" He asks. "Well uhm, I guess... research..?" You respond nervously. "Mhm... we'll I guess you did okay out there." Katsuki says, looking down and rubbing the back of his neck.

You grab his arm, making him angry. "What the fuck are you doing?!" He asks angrily. "Going back to the gates stupid ass." You say, rolling your eyes. "Well then you can let go of my damn arm!" Bakugou says. "And if I don't Mr. Boom Boom Bitch?"  You ask sarcastically while walking. "I'll blow you to fucking smithereens right here dumbass." He says yanking away from your grip. "Hah! I bet you wouldn't!  I'm to sexy" You say, winking at him, giggling. Bakugou looks away, you can tell his face is a light red. You giggle at him.

Once everyone makes it to the gates at the front, 2 teachers, which you think is Present Mic, and your dad, Aizawa. They start explaining that whoever got into U.A. would get a note of some sort in the mail saying they got in.

"I bet I'll get in and you won't boom boom bastard!" You say to Katsuki jokingly "HAH! You wish you ugly bastard! I bet I'll be first in ranking and you'll be last!" Bakugou says back, also sarcastically. "Pfft-! With that attitude you'll be one in last place." You say back playfully. Katsuki rolls his eyes. "Oh cmon Bakugou, don't be a brat." You say, nudging his shoulder. "Your the one being a brat, dumbass..!"  Bakugou says, punching your shoulder. "Hey! What was that fo-" You pause as you see Bakugou lift up his shirt to wipe sweat from his forehead.

You stand there, looking at his delicious, muscular body with your face getting tomato red. You try to look away but you can't break your gaze. "Wow..." You whisper under your breath. "Did you say something dumba-" Katsuki pauses when he realizes where your looking. He slowly puts his shirt back down, making you break your gaze and rub the back of your neck. "Heh... sor-sorry! Uhm, I- I gotta go..!" You stutter, running to the front of the crowd to see your dad looking at you, you make a signal that you wanna go home. And so you guys head there.

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