Chapter 19 - A villian encounter

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You wake up next to Bakugou snuggling you, his arms wrapped around you and his head resting on your neck. You slowly and gently move one of your hands to his head, gently giving him a head rub. "Hey Bakugou, I'm gonna go on a short jog around campus, okay?" You tell him. He  grumbles and lets go. You decide to replace your spot with a pillow. "I'll be back okay." You tell him. You go through the wall into your dorm to change. You put on some simple black sweatpants and a pink T-shirt for the crisp, cool autumn morning air. You grab a water bottle and a jacket just incase. You tie the jacket around your waist and teleport downstairs. Surprisingly you see Mina, Uraraka, and Hakagure on the couches. "Hey Y/N! You wanna watch a movie with us?" Uraraka asks. "Huh? Oh, no thanks! I'm going on a run real quick!" You tell the 3 before walking out the door. You slowly jog to a peaceful park around the forest, wanting to watch the wildlife since nobody was there from it being early in the morning. You start hearing birds chirping and squirrels running up trees. "This is so peaceful..." You mutter to yourself, admiring the sunrise and wildlife. Suddenly you hear someone creeping up behind you. You quickly turn around, throwing a kick. The person grabs your ankle and before you could tell who it was you were knocked out by someone else

You wake up with your hands tied behind you on a chair. The room is dark, surprisingly dark. "How long was my stupid ass out for-?" You ask, hoping someone was in the room with you. (I mean what dumbass would leave their prisoner alone in a room-.) "About an hour." You hear someone with a deep, scruff voice say. "Who the hell are you?!" You yell, squinting at the dark. "None of your business dipshit." The voice says. "Your the one calling ME a dipshit?! Wow, that's low." You respond. The lights suddenly flash on, making you squint from the sudden light change. "That's some way to act when you've been captured." The voice says. You finally stop squinting, seeing it's a member of the L.O.V. You think his name was Dabi? "Oh! I know who you are!" You say. "Oh, and those handcuffs were lame." You add, taking your hands out from behind you. "What the fuck?! Those were Quirk disabling handcuffs?!" He yells. "Oh, They were?  Well they were really easy to get off." You tell Dabi, Feeling your wrists. Dabi runs up to you, trying to punch you. You block it (ObVi~). "Really? Burnt bitch." You say. You twist his arm. "AH! WHAT THE HELL?!" He yells. You let go, making him fall to the ground. "YOU CRAZY BITCH!?" He screams at you. "REALLY?! I'M THE CRAZY BITCH?! YOUR FUCKIN, CULT CAPTURED ME AND TIED ME TO A GODDAMN CHAIR!! AND THOSE HAND CUFFS ARE A PEICE OF SHIT!" You yell. You look up to see 3 other people, You identify them as Shigaraki, Twice, and Toga. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN AT?! Oh, wait, TOGA! Hi! You don't know me but I think your pretty awesome!" You say. "Oh, My, God, YOU THINK IM AWESOME!?" Toga blurts out. You walk over to her. "YES! Your quirk is amazing, and I- just, omg!!" You feel someone grab your arm. "Get. Your. Hands. OFF ME!" You blurt out, looking over. "How the hell are you not disintegrating right now?!" A scruff, Low voice says. "I said let go!" You yell. You hold his hand down on your arm, kicking his stomach. He coughs from the sudden impact. You take your hand off him letting him fall to the ground, holding his stomach from the pain. "Twice I know your tryna start something right now and I don't think you wanna." You say, turning your head to him. "No I- I would never!" He says. "Yes you would! LET'S TRY TO PUNCH HER!" He adds. "Hah, I knew it." You say, getting a fighting pose. He runs towards you, trying to throw a kick. You grab his ankle. Using super strength you throw him over your shoulder, making a huge thud on the wooden floor. "Two faced bastard." You mumble. You look at Toga. "Now, princess, can I leave or am I gonna heave to put you down for the count as well?" You ask. She runs out a door. "Good choice!" You mutter. "Now, how do I get out?" You ask yourself. "Eh, I guess the windows fine." You mumble. "AOUT WE GO!" You shout. You jump out the open window. "Do I land on my feet.. or fly... I'm gonna say fly since I can get to UA faster." You ask yourself. You use a simple wings quirk to fly over to U.A.

"Ugh! my back hurts!" You say. "Heya birdie!" You hear a familiar voice say. "Hawks-?! How-" You mutter. "Your Uncle made me look for you since you were gone for 4 hours." He says "4 HOURS?!" You shout. 'THAT BASTARD TOLD ME I WAS ONLY KNOCKED OUT FOR AN HOUR!" You add. "What bastard?" Hawks asks. You land at the gates of U.A. "I got kidnapped by the L.O.V." You tell him. "WHAT?!" He shouts. "Chill out bird man- They got hurt more than I did." You say. "Those dumbasses were fucking stupid." You add. "DADDDDDDDDDDD! IM BACK FROM BEING KIDNAPPED!!" You shout when you enter the teachers building. "Y/N! I knew you were okay." Aizawa says, Looking out from one of the hallways. "Did you beat their asses?" Your dad adds. "Yeah, They like put my hands behind my back on a chair and put these like 'Quirk Disabling' handcuffs or some shit, but I don't think they did anything to me since I got em off with ease." You tell him. Present Mic runs around the same corner Aizawa was looking from, running up to you and hugging you. "Omg! Y/N! Your okay!" He shouts. You hug him back. "Yes Papa, I'm okay." You tell him. You follow Present Mic into a room to sit down and tell the other pro hero's about what happened.

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