3 - Victim

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You can leave me now i said slowly when win keep hugging me after the event. He look a bit dissapointed. How long will you act like this he ask me. Its been months he said. Lets be a friend like before when we start our career he said slowly. Okay i said. Phi, he call me. You need to stop this he said slowly. Stop what i ask and look at his eyes. Stop acting like you are victim, stop shutting yourself from everyone, stop behave like i am the sinner he said. No, i am not. I never blame you i try to explain. Then just live like before, being happy together he said again. I only can smile and nod. Please phi bai, he plead me. Again i nod and leave him for my next solo schedule. How will i act like usual when i know he is with someone else. How will i treat him as usual when his boyfriend keep coming to me. How will i face my failure like it never happen. I dont know how and i am really confuse.

Bright suddenly someone hold my hand softly. I look at him and immediate try to escape myself. What are you doing here he ask me. Are you ok he ask me again. I am ok , i need to go i finally manage to answer him. Bright he call me but i refuse to wait and hurrily leave the bar.
I really dont know how i was here. After my shooting i bring my pitiful self for drink and end up here.
Let me send you back, you cant drive right now phi mile said. No leave me alone i yell at him. Leave me alone i said again weakly. No he suddenly said firmly. Lets go, people are wacthing he said. I look around and see how people start recording. Can they leave me alone. I am tired being observe like animal.
Where are your key he ask me again. I dont know i said. Lets go he grab my hand and push me to his car.
You can leave me i said when he put a belt on me. He just sigh and back to driver side. I really tired. I need to sleep.

I felt so bad. My head hurt so much. I try to wake up and get my water as usual. But i cant felt anything and look at my side. Where am i , i quickly get up and look around. I look at my shirt which is changed. I am a bit scare. What happen to me i ask myself. I hope i wont be in the news again. I look around and the room look so luxury and spacious. It not my room but i felt safe here. What are you thinking dummy, i scold myself and get out of bed. I look for the stranger and i hold my breath when i heard a knock.
Oh you already wake up phi mile cheerfully greet me. I am really suprise and shy. Why it has to be him again i talk to myself. Are you okay now he ask me again. I nod. I need to go, thank you for everything i hurrily try to leave the room. Bright he hold my hand. Take it easy, you are safe here he said. I need to go i stubornly push his hand. You will, but you need to change. I will send you home he said slowly. No, i dont need your help i yell at him. He look shock and so do i. I am sorry i said quickly.
Bright i dont know what your problem is, let me help you. You car still at club. You lost your car key. My friend already found it. I will bring you to club and get your car back he said patiently. You need to change and eat hangover pills before leave. Or do you need to call win he ask me. No i reply quickly. No , no need i said firmly. He look at me strangely. Ok we wont but you need to relax. Lets change your cloth, do you need help he ask me. No, thank you i said. Okay , i will wait for you outside he said and walk away. When he leave i look around. He must be rich. His room size is bigger than my apartment. Win always ask me to move out from my apartment but i live alone, i dont need big space. Stop it bright, you need to hurry i scold myself again. I look at myself in the mirror. He choose the right size for me. After i satisfy with my look i slowly open the door and look around. Are you ready he ask me. He must be waiting for me.
Lets go he said and escort me to his dining room. I can see a few house maid nod at him and look at me. Lets eat first and we will get your car later he said. I nod and start eating.
Are you a prince phi i ask him. I am what he ask me because he cant believe his ears. Prince, you house so big and white i said. I look at phi mile who laugh loudly. No i am not he said. Are you ready he ask me after his big laugh. Lets go he said when i nod. We walk to his porch and i can see five sport car. I look at black mustang but he quickly said. We cant used that today, we need good cleaning he said and laugh. I am sorry i said when i realize the culprit is me. Its okay he said. Thank you phi i said slowly when he start driving. I am sorry you always see me in this condition i said. Its okay, i am glad i meet you last night, i dont know what will happen today if i was not there he said. Thank you i said again.

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