CH 2. robot city is destroyed

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Later that night Rodney was in his room and was thinking more about Bennett

Rodney: ( in his mind ) that's funny Bennett said that his parts are beginning to break but I see him in perfect shape maybe I should get some sleep

At 5:00 a.m. Rodney woke up to a horrifying scream, terrified he decided to go out to see what's going on when he went outside he saw that bigweld was being kidnapped by Bennett

Rodney: Bigweld!!!

Rodney immediately started chasing after Bennett his friends noticed his scream and so began to follow him

They follow Bennett Into The Chop Shop which seems strange for them since the Chop Shop has been closed for 18 years

When they went inside they were horrified there were out mode robots being grown into the fire many people were screaming in fear then Rodney saw Bennett about to put bigweld into the fire

Rodney: Bennett!!! What are you doing?!!

Bennett then stops The Chop Shop and then talks to Rodney

Bennett: Rodney, Rodney, Rodney, don't you know what you're seeing?

Rodney: I know what I'm seeing please stop doing this and leave bigweld alone!!!

out of anger and rage Rodney began attacking Bennett after wrestling for a moment Bennett grabbed a hold of Rodney's temperature gauge and ripped it off his chest

Rodney begins to scream in pain

Bennett finally let's him go he hold his chest as Sparks begins coming out due to the damage

Fender: Rodney are you okay?

Rodney: yes I'm fine ( in pain )

Suddenly Bennett's phone started ringing

Bennett: ( talking in his phone ) yes? Oh well you see boss I'm doing your job I am getting rid of all the old modes but this here out mode does not want me to continue my job, oh you want to talk to him? Okay I'll pass you to him

Fender: oh what's that that he's holding?

Piper: ( suspiciously ) I don't know what that is

Bennett then passes his phone Rodney and they are Rodney hears a strange voice

???: so you want Bennett to stop what he's doing? Then how is he supposed to get paid? This is the future outloads are no longer welcome back in 2005 there has been a new order that modern robots should accept and those who are out modes are forced to get upgrades or end up in the Chop Shop but since all the out modes broke the rules they're all going to end up in the Chop Shop thanks to you

Mysterious voice then hanged up

Rodney then saw in horror as someone pulled the lever and put bigweld into the fire

Bigweld: please don't do this I will rehire ratchet again I will have everyone wear upgrades anything just please don't kill me

And then Bigweld was thrown into the fire he died shortly after

Rodney: Nooooo!!!

then Rodney heard I'm stevius whistle and saw that the whistle was coming from the fire a mysterious figure then began to walk out of the fire with two blades in his hands

( hints: death from Puss in Boots The Last Wish makes it appearance in robots his main goal is to try and kill Rodney and the others )

Lug: what is that?

Crank: I think it's death

Diesel then hid behind Lug

Death: well, well if it isn't Rodney copper bottom hey how's things going for you in Robot City? For the looks of it I see a bunch of out modes getting killed

Rodney: I don't understand this is a misunderstanding I save those robots I'm the good guy I'm supposed to be the good guy

Death: the good guy?

Rodney: can you just explain to me what did I did wrong

Death: yeah it's true you did defeated the evil you stopped Greed from taking over the world but what you did was actually to get rid of death, death that's coming from reality I hate to break it to you but you're not accepting the future

Rodney then begins to tremble

Death: I'm giving you two choices Runaway or except the fact that you create a world without death and I'll take your life away

Rodney then thought for a moment until he made his decision

Rodney: guys... RUN!!!!

Rodney and his friends begin running away while death chases them he chased them all the way until they arrive outside of their movie

Death: smart choice

robots/no straight roads: the legend of Melody breachWhere stories live. Discover now