CH.11: the rise of the Golden Flower

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The next day before we're ready for their next mission

Mayday: hey we're back from defeating shoshana

Rodney: yes and I have to say she's a real hottie

Kliff: excuse me?

Rodney: nothing what you got for us today?

Kliff: right, to business! Today will be dealing with something quite unique. Are you guys ready for the classics?

Rodney: what do you mean by classics?

Kliff: Haha, I bet you don't understand what I'm talking about Head towards the natura District I prepared some tickets for you.

Rodney: tickets? what are we watching?

Kliff: question is who. A performance by vinyl cities greatest pianist of all the city

Rodney: pianist...? We'll be going against someone who plays a piano? Unm... that sounds...

Kliff: don't underestimate her just because of her skills I would advise you to approach her with extra caution. Despite NSR's bias, it is no simple feat to be where she is at her skills.

Mayday: got it. Well, I'm not one to refuse a gig invitation let's go, zuke! And thanks for the tickets, kliff!

Kliff: my pleasure

While the three we're preparing for the mission Rodney went into the garage to see Sayu's upgrades

Rodney: pyurifying water? Person who uses it plays a soothing tune, healing the person for a fair amount. Trident of Nepyune? The person who uses it transforms it's instrument into magical trident, increasing its melee range and damage. Mermaid transformation? The person who uses it would transform it's human legs into a mermaid tail

After looking at the upgrades when he was ready he went with the trio

The trio then arrived at Natura District the district didn't seem quite as interesting to Rodney

Rodney: hun? Bennett's Place Seem more interesting

The trio then went into the concert meanwhile Fender arrived at the district and was amazed by the entrance with piano keyboards

Fender: wow this place is so fancy I wouldn't mind to have a look around

Fender then began to explore the place the first thing he saw was mangroove Nursury

Fender: I've heard that these trees used to be everywhere back in Robot City but now even these nurseries have become rare...

Fender was wandering the place for a while when he noticed concert Happening Here and people were paying entrance

Fender: a concert huh? That sounds fun I should go inside

At the entry Fender disguise himself as an elegant man in order to gain entrance to the grand hall

Fender: ( in French accent ) bonjour moshawa I am count richer and I have come here too see your greatest show I even got a ticket

Guard: oh please my goods sir enjoy the show

The guard lets him in the entrance fender walks in excitedly

Inside of natura concert hall the four members were hiding in the back of the stage

Fender on the meantime arrived inside just in time

Fender: wow the show is starting? Guess I'm earlier today I wish Piper was here

Then cappy noticed that the Silencers we're all so dare

Cappy: now remember we must stay silent okay?

robots/no straight roads: the legend of Melody breachWhere stories live. Discover now