CH.13: the perfect art gallery

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Back in the sewers Rodney was at the workshop looking at some new upgrades

Rodney: two-sided person? The person who uses it puts on the mask of another person's face. Healing the person whenever they take damage wow. Burning hair fashion? The person who uses it dashes a short distance forward with fire in their hair. Burning everything in their path. Gallery transformation?

He then went to ask zuke about the upgrade

Rodney: what does Gallery transformation do?

Zuke: the person who uses it would have the ability to ship shape into any artificial they want

Rodney: wow it's a very cool transformation

After seeing the upgrades they went into their next mission

Zuke: hey, kliff. This here is crank, he's with us now

Kliff: it's a pleasure to meet you crank

Crank: it's a pleasure to you too

Rodney: woah, those are some intense scribbles

Kliff: a one of a kind musician awaits.

Mayday: oh I seen her videos! She seems very... loopy.

Kliff: that's her for you. Known to being the most eccentric artist of NSR. Nobody knows what goes in her mind. Well, some people knows I reckon.

Rodney: huh?

Kliff: oh they didn't tell you?

Rodney: tell me what?

He looked at cappy suspiciously

Cappy: nothing ( nervously )

Zuke: we... had some history together.

Rodney: what?

Kliff: they used to be in a band.

Mayday: she was also cappy's best friend in her video blogs

Rodney: wha-wha-what?! She owns a video blog and didn't tell me?!

Kliff: and if anyone knows her best, it's probably cappy.

Rodney: she was your best friend, cappy?!

Zuke: yeah. We didn't sleep on good terms, though.

Kliff: that rules out the possibility of dropping by as a visitor, then.

Kliff: but don't worry, I've got a plan. There's to be an exhibition at her gallery. She'll be there, so head over and I'll make sure the security system won't be a bother to you.

Kliff: and please, be careful. He is without a doubt the most dangerous artist NSR has to offer. There is a reason why Tatiana keeps her as the CEO's right hand woman. Anything is goes to bennett too as known to taking parts and making fun of poor robots she keeps him as the CEOs left hand man

Mayday: got it, kliff! You ready, zuke?

Mayday: zuke?

Zuke: oh. Yeah.

Rodney: hey you should come with us crank it's better than being legless

Crank: yeah very funny

Rodney: oh coffee this time it has a straw well it's better than pouring on myself I guess

The five group of friends then leaves the sewers and goes to metro district

When they arrived at the district Rodney was fascinated by the Arts that was there

Rodney: wow just walking into this District looks like an artificial already

Crank: I agree I wish the others were here to see this

robots/no straight roads: the legend of Melody breachWhere stories live. Discover now