CH.6: meeting kliff and hanging out in the sewers

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The next day news we're on and we're bringing a very shocking story

News reporter: last night, a sabotage at club planetarium has resulted has resulted in an unexpected change of leadership. The authorities have identified the group behind the interference as the Silencers, a group of villainous minions who want to silence every single music of vinyl City Bunk bed Junctions for eventually there to help fight off the evil group alongside a brand new member of their band sources say the Silencers tried to hijacked DJ subatomic supernova's concert close to midnight which subsequently led to NSR's First District loss in years however, tatiana reassures everyone that the launch of the new NSR satellite went smoothly despite the Takeover we now have DJSS with us now to ask some questions

DJSS: Silencers I haven't seen them get so stronger since 2005 I don't know much but what I do know is that according to one of my guards they have captured one of the Silencers or if it is a Silencers

News reporter: the unknown intruder is a small robot that appears to look like this

The news that shows a picture of diesel Rodney then saw the picture and was horrified

Rodney: oh no diesel

Then all the sudden mayday punch the TV causing Rodney to jump

Zuke: Great, you owe me a TV, may.

Mayday: those Silencers buffools. We managed to save one of the NSR artists but somehow, they still win!

Zuke: did you have to punch the TV though? we ain't got money to spend on another one.

Mayday: listen to me, zuke. Our operation to save all those concerts has a long and difficult path, so sacrifices must be made for the greater good. No TV is going to-

Suddenly cappy phone started ringing

Cappy: oh sorry I have to take this sorry

Cappy then walked away while mayday went to sit with Rodney

Mayday: so how was your life I mean there is a lot of things to talk about back before you met us

Rodney: Oh well is quite simple you see

Well the two chat cappy ran back excitedly

Cappy: guys I got a text message! Guys. guys! I think we just got our first fan!

Rodney: say what now?

Cappy: his name is kiff, and he has a lot of nice things to say about us! listen to this! Your exceptional skills at playing your instrument while simultaneously entertaining the crowd is absolutely it's astounding he says he wants to arrange a meeting tonight. Isn't that exciting guys?! Our first fan meet up!

Zuke: yeah that's nice. But right now, we need to figure out our next plan of action. Like how did defeat the Silencers-

Cappy: he said he knows how to defeat the Silencers

Zuke; oh, he did?

Cappy: guys, this guy is our biggest fan A-T-M. I propose to see what he has to say! We have nothing to lose, right?!

Zuke: well uhm... yeah sure, why not.

Cappy: awesome! Let me just reply

Rodney: so how do you get your number?

While they were waiting for a response Rodney was finishing talking to MayDay about his life in school

Rodney: so nothing special it's just that I was the geek of the class my parents may be wearing an embarrassing dress and I graduated with good honor

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