CH.10: I do not like furries

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The next day the four are now rested and ready for another mission

Mayday: alright kliff what you got for us today?

Kliff: okay see your next mission is going to be with another NSR artist who works for the mysterious person

Kliff then shows a picture of a white anthropomorphic Persian cat she had red eyes her body was covered in red hearts and she was wearing a revealing bathing suit she also had red lipstick

Mayday: no way we're actually going to be fighting shoshana? ( voiced by lizzo )

Zuke: shoshana in person?

Rodney: I don't want to ruin this conversation but who's shoshana?

Mayday: what?! I don't know who shashana is? Rodney? Man you're missing out on a lot she is the queen of R&B

Kliff: exactly this furry anthropomorphic kitty cat is known to being the most popular one of NSR some might think she's the furry one

Rodney: furry? did you say furry?

Zuke: yeah? what about that?

Cappy: sorry it's just that Rodney is afraid of furry animals especially the ones with big breasts and Tiny bodies

Zuke: yeah I know she's pretty popular among the men's

Kliff: you see shoshana is kind of difficult to get through her secret weapon is that she can drive any man crazy with her music so I recommend you be careful

Rodney: okay I understand

The group then left and arrived at furry District once there Rodney was shocked what he was seeing there were literally just anthropomorphic animals inhabited this District

Rodney: well there are a lot of anthropomorphic animals in this District

Mayday: of course there's anthropomorphic animals it's called furry district for a reason

Zuke: just ignore them and you'll be fine

The group then went inside the concert of cat bed when they are inside they saw shoshana sitting in her cat bed chatting with someone

Shoshana: ( and her phone ) are you going to agree on my double date I heard it's going to be special what do you mean you're not going? What about the time that you're at my concert and we sing together? I don't care if you already have a girlfriend she's not your type

She then put her phone away and noticed Bunk bed Junctions

Shoshana: well, well, well, well, what's up y'all shoshana is in the house are you here too enjoy the time in my district?

Mayday: no way we're here to stop the Silencers from destroying vinyl City and you seem to be working for these people right?

Shoshana: yeah that's true thanks to them I was managing to keep my own Fame they were really kind too accepting an anthropomorphic Kitty you should trust them they will change your life forever

Mayday: no thanks plus I heard that you got dumped by "the boy of your dreams?"

Shoshana: yes I don't know what's wrong with him I'm too attracted he should be interested in me

Zuke: well he's not he is Cappy's boyfriend

Rodney: wait? Did I just heard boyfriend?

He then looks at Cappy suspiciously she was feeling nervous and so decided to change the topic

Cappy: no you heard it wrong she said best friend

Rodney then gave her a suspicious look and then left

robots/no straight roads: the legend of Melody breachWhere stories live. Discover now