CH.8: with the power of love

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At the sewers Hangout Rodney wanted to leave to get some food alongside wonderbot when zuke notice him

Zuke: hey where are you going?

Rodney: to get some food?

Zuke: are you going to go out there alone?

Rodney: don't worry about me I got  wonderbot here to guide me

Zuke: here catch this

Zuke then tosses him a phone

Rodney: what's this?

Zuke: it's a cell phone it can tell you where you're at and also has cool ads

Rodney: I think I seen Bennett holding one of these well thanks see you later

Rodney then leaves the sewers to get some food

Outside on Festival Plaza Rodney has just gone a hot dog and some drinks from a fast food place while he was walking back home he was struggling to learn what a phone is wonderbot noticed this

Rodney: I'm fine wonderbot it's just that how do you work these things? I don't know how Bennett marriages to use these things without struggling

Rodney was so distracted on his phone that he bumped into someone

Rodney: oh my gosh I am so sorry I just don't know where I was going let me help you

He then looked up to the person and he was shocked as soon as he saw the person he started blushing

???: are you okay?

Rodney was so embarrassed that he ran away leaving the stranger confused he then hid behind a corner there wonderbot notices that he was crushing on a guy

Rodney: stop wonderbot it was only once I can't let cappy know about this we should go back to the sewers

So he went to the sewers there the floor were having an important meeting

Kliff: ah Rodney there you are have a seat

Rodney: thank you is that coffee may I?

Kliff: you may

Rodney then picked up the coffee and he poured it all over himself

Mayday: what are you doing?

Rodney: this is how you drink coffee right?

Zuke: that's not the correct way to drink coffee

Rodney: okay fine you see I forgot how to drink coffee I've been living in exile for 18 years

Kliff: okay anyways it would be an honor for me to brief you on your next fight, May I?

Mayday: I'd love to hear your Intel, kliff!

Zuke: what do you have for us?

Kliff: right! Akusuka will be your next stop. I hope you're up to date with the digital space, because the artist who lives there has been Making Waves there as an idol.

Mayday: wait, that photo... I've seen her on the billboards! with her squeaky voice and music!

Zuke: ah the digital, Idol she's really popular with younger kids

Rodney: did you say... digital? so she's not even real? and she's topping charts?!?!

Kliff: NSR signs on anyone who has the fame to benefit them

Rodney: just to be clear, we're fighting a fictional character, right?

Cappy: yes, she will be tricky to get close to, considering her form. But behind every creation is a creator, and this applies to her too. And that's how we'll beat her.

robots/no straight roads: the legend of Melody breachWhere stories live. Discover now