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(School corridor where Heeseung and Sunoo bumped each other before going to their class.-just imagine crowds)

Sunoo, who was quite confused, then walked to his class.

As he arrives at his class, he takes a seat and takes out his textbooks and pencil case, but his mind can't stop thinking about that situation.

"Sunoo, stop thinking about him," mumbles Sunoo alone.

"What have you said?", Clara, who is next to him, asked.

"Umm,nothing", Sunoo said while looking at her deskmate. Suddenly, something came to his mind.

"Oh my god... I forgot to register club for my extracuricular,", Sunoo said to Clara.That flower boy really distracted him. Actually, Sunoo also doesn't know which clubs he should join.

As the teacher is not here. They continued their talked.

"I also forgot to do that, but actually I want to try the drama and theatre club", Clara said with a shy smile on her face. She is blushing.

Sunoo laughs at her.

"Yahh, don't laugh at me", Clara pouted.

"Woah..you can do it, Clara..I will support you", Sunoo gives his word to Clara.

"Aigoo, his father is Ji Chang Wook , the top actor across the world; Clara will be as good as his father", Sunoo thought.

Clara then filled out her application form for the extracuricular. Sunoo followed her.

"Okay, Sunoo,do you have something in your mind?", Clara said while looking at Sunoo's form.

"Hmm.. maybe I want to join the Hapkido club? I want to learn it because I want to protect myself.", Sunoo wrote it on his paper.

"Wah, that's sound good, so shall we give this form together?"



As Sunoo and Clara finish their lunch, they go to the school office to give their application forms. But someone bumped into Sunoo until he fell.

"Again?", Sunoo thought.

"Ouch". Sunoo moaned in pain. Clara is angry because the person who hurt Sunoo did not apologise.

"Hey, apologise,", Clara said while looking at that person.

"Umm...relax girl, he doesn't deserve my apology,", said that person with the tag name Choi Se-On.

"He must be from Choi's family", Clara thought, knowing how arrogant the family is.

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