
17 8 1

📍 Seoul, South Korea


The teacher droned on about historical dates and events, but Taehyung and Yoongi barely heard a word. Their minds were consumed by the secret they now shared, the newfound connection that had blossomed between them. It was a delicate secret, one that held the promise of happiness but also the weight of uncertainty.

As they took their seats, they stole glances at each other, their smiles growing wider with each stolen moment of eye contact. The rest of the class carried on, oblivious to the seismic shift that had occurred within the confines of the boys' bathroom.

During a break between classes, Taehyung couldn't contain his excitement any longer. He leaned in closer to Yoongi, whispering, "I can't believe we're actually together, Yoongi. It feels like a dream."

Yoongi's gaze softened, his hand reaching out to intertwine their fingers. "Believe it, Taehyung. This is real. We've been waiting for this for so long."

Taehyung's heart swelled with affection. The journey to this moment had been filled with stolen glances, secret smiles, and unspoken words. Now, they were finally free to express their love openly, to walk hand in hand without fear of judgment.

As the day progressed, their classmates began to notice the change in Taehyung and Yoongi. Whispers circulated, curious glances were exchanged, but the couple paid no mind. They had each other, and that was all that mattered.

During lunch break, they found solace in their favorite spot beneath the old cherry blossom tree. Its delicate pink petals danced in the breeze, creating a picturesque backdrop for their newfound love. They sat together, sharing stories, dreams, and stolen kisses, oblivious to the world around them.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Taehyung and Yoongi walked out of the building hand in hand. Their classmates watched in awe as they witnessed a love that had remained hidden for far too long, now shining brightly for all to see.

The journey ahead was uncertain, filled with challenges and obstacles they would face together. But as they walked side by side, their steps in sync, they knew they had the strength to overcome anything. Love had found them.

Taehyung looked at Yoongi and grinned, his eyes sparkling with joy. "Yoongi, I can't help but feel like the luckiest person in the world right now. Being with you feels like a dream come true."

Yoongi chuckled, his voice filled with affection. "You're not the only one, Taehyung. I never thought I'd find someone who understands me the way you do. It's like we were destined to be together."

Taehyung leaned against Yoongi, resting his head on his shoulder. "Do you remember how nervous we were when we first started talking? It's hard to believe that was just a few months ago. Look how far we've come."

Yoongi pressed a kiss to Taehyung's forehead. "Yeah, we've come a long way, but it was worth every moment. The secret smiles, the stolen glances... They all led us to this beautiful place."

They continued walking, their fingers still entwined, drawing strength from each other's presence. The streets of Seoul bustled around them, but they felt like they were in their own little world.

Taehyung suddenly stopped and turned to face Yoongi, his eyes filled with determination. "Yoongi, no matter what challenges we face, I want you to know that I'm here for you. Always."

Yoongi smiled, his voice filled with warmth. "And I'm here for you too, Taehyung. We'll face the world together, hand in hand."

As they approached the subway station, Taehyung noticed a group of students from their school whispering and stealing glances in their direction. He nudged Yoongi and nodded toward them. "Looks like the rumors are spreading."

Back In 6th Grade ; ᴛᴀɢᴇɪحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن