Phone Call

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This is my first time ever writing and actually posting to a place other than my family group chat, so sorry if it's not as interesting as other stories here. Enjoy

In Jean-Pierre Monlataing Art classroom, everyone was doing their own thing. Marinette was creating fashion, Alix was spray painting, Rose was listening to music, and Marc and Nathaniel were working on their comic.

Marc: "Okay while I do like this design I just don't thi-"

Ding Ding

Nathaniel jolted to his phone and without another word out of either of them he said "Uh, I have to go", in a rushed tone.

Marc asked worriedly "Did something happen? Is there something wrong?", while helping Nathaniel pack up his stuff.

"No nothing is wrong, I just have to go, now", and ran out of the room.

Everyone stared at the door, then at Marc, then the door again, then went back to their own thing. Except Marinette (of course).

Sitting down next to Marc (who was packing up his stuff) asked "What's wrong with Nathaniel?"

Marc: "I don't know, he's been doing this for a while now. I'm starting to think he doesn't want to make a comic with me anymore."

Marinette said in a shocked tone, "Okay, sorry for doing a Chloe but, that is RIDICULOUS UDDERLY RIDICULOUS!".

A smile appeared on Marc's face, then a laugh. Soon they both were laughing, and again everyone stared.

"So you really don't know what's wrong with him?"

"No. I was kinda hoping you knew"

"Sorry, I'm as clueless as Adiren"

Both went silent, then more laughing.

"Thanks Mari, I needed that. And don't worry, he'll come around eventually"

Marinette said looking down, "Ya I hope. I really like him, ya know. You ever get that feeling where your soulmate is just there and you can only hold a 5 second conversation with them before your mind just goes blank. Then when you want to say those 3 words, you just can't because you're worried how they'll react?"

"Every single day" Marc said under his breath

"What was that"

"Nothing! I just have to go home now, see you tomorrow", Marc said as he sped walked out of the classroom.

As Marc walked out of the classroom, he remembered he had to get something from his locker, but when he opened the door, he heard someone talking on the phone. He carefully walked in and looked around to see who it was. Then he saw orange hair in the corner of the room. Lucky Nathaniel didn't see him but now that Marc was closer he could eavesdrop on the conversation, but what he heard destroyed him.

Marc x Nathaniel Story: The Triangle Of HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now