Lunch Time

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During lunch, the girls of the class meet up to talk about the Marc and Nathaniel situation.

"Then when I asked him what he was doing in the Hotel, he froze and said he'll tell me later" Alix finished while taking a bite of her apple.

"Okay let's get this straight" Alya said taking out her notebook, "So Marc likes Nathaniel" Everyone nodded, "Marc is upset because Nathaniel has been missing comic meetups and there is a possibility that he has a secret crush and or girlfriend"

"Wait, girlfriend?" Mylene asked

"Crush, girlfriend. Same thing. Sort of" Alya said weighing the options, "anyways, now Marc is upset that Nathaniel likes someone that isn't him, BUT we've been told by Marc and Nathaniel that they've made up."
"Lies!" Alix shouted while slamming her fist on the table. Everyone in the cafeteria stopped and stared at them.

"He, he. There was a spider on the table" Marinette said trying to defuse the situation.

"Now we have this new information that both Marc and Nathaniel were at the hotel, and Nathaniel overheard Marc talking bad about him to Zoey- wait should she be here too?" Alya asked looking around. Everyone nodded and got up to look for her.

"She might know why Marc was there," Juelika said

"Maybe why Nathaniel was there too" Rose added

"And she can tell us what she and Marc were talking about," Alix said as she skated past them

"Okay I just texted her to meet in the library, hopefully, neither Marc nor Nathaniel are there," Marinette said putting away her phone.

"Okay let's roll" Alya said,

"Hey! That's my line!" Alix shot a dirty look.

With a shrug from Alya Sholders, all the ladies made their way to the library.


"Hey girls" Zoey waved while sitting at a table in the corner. Perfect. "What is this all about?"

Slamming both hands on the table, Alix said "Will be asking the questions here"

"Alix!" Marinette hissed, "This isn't an interrogation! Sorry Zoey," she said looking at a frighted blonde.

"I-I-It's fine, heh heh," Zoey said trying to laugh it off.

"We are concerned about Marc" Alya started

Zoey got bug-eyed and Alix noticed, "AH HA! You do know something!" getting into her face, "Tell us what it is"

"Oh my gosh Alix get away from her," Mylene said pulling, (more like rolling) her back.

With a sigh and a hand to her forehead, Alya said, "Look we're worried about Marc, he doesn't seem like himself lately and we found out he was at the Hote yesterday coming out of your room. Did anything happen? Did you too do anything?".

Everyone looked at Zoey, she obviously looked like she was thinking then she went eye wide again, "WOAH WOAH WOAH!" standing up, "I will have you know I have never even held hands with a guy, nevermind do.. THAT!"

Confusion was plastered on everyone's faces and was soon swept away by looks of laughter, shock, shame, and embarrassment.

"OH MY GOSH!" Mylene said putting her hands over her codfish mouth

"I should've phrased that differently! I'm so sorry!" Alya said laughing

"We did NOT mean it like that," Marinette said

"At least we know nothing happened!" Juelika snorted

"You too do look cute together though" Rose joked

Alix was just on the floor laughing.

Soon Zoey joined the laughs and they were all promptly kicked out of the library.

Still laughing while wiping a tear from her face, "Guys I am so sorry-HA HA!" Alya said trying to catch her breath.

"It's fine," Zoey said calming down, "I shouldn't have jumped to that conclusion"

"But you did have a valid point," Alix said through bits of laughs.

"But Zoey look, we really need to kno-"


"Oh, that's the bell," Zoey said, "I gotta get to class, catch up later?"

Without a response Zoey speed walked away from the girls leaving everyone there, still not sure what just happened.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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Marc x Nathaniel Story: The Triangle Of HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now