The Intervention

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*Marc Bedroom*

Marc laid in his bed with the burgundy blanket over him. He was in a heartbroken world of his own. He couldn't eat, couldn't get out of bed, couldn't do anything. At one point he thought he heard his phone ringing but didn't have the energy to answer it. Ever since he found out his crush was taken, and that their relationship was a SECRET no less. He just felt numb and couldn't take it.

He laid in bed all Saturday, but on Sunday morning he could hear commotion down stairs, then his mom screaming, "Um Marc, there are some friends who would like to see you".

Before he could respond a familiar voice said "Don't worry Mrs. Anciel, will just go up".

"Uh oh" Marc thought to himself before his door swung open and Marinette, Alya, Alix, Rose, Juelika, and Mylene walked into the room with serious looks on their faces. Alix locked then barricaded the door. Mylene opened the blinds and the windows to let the light and fresh air in. Rose and Juelika forced Marc to sit up, while Alya and Marinette grabbed pillows and chairs and made a half circle with all eyes on Marc.

Once everyone sat down everyone stared at Marc who was as confused as ever. Until Marinette said "We know about your crush on Nathaniel".

Not saying anything Marc could feel his face turn red, he felt so many emotions of heartbreak and betrayal, then he began to breathe heavily for 5 seconds until he started bawling. Head in hands and all. Alix immediately sat on the bed next to him and gave him a hug.

Through tears he asked "Does he know?".

Everyone looked at eachother.

"We don't know," Juelika bluntly said.

"We do know you haven't been the same since Friday Art Class" Rose said

"Alix told us she found you crying, and Marinette told us about your conversation that day" Mylene added.

"We wanna know what happened" Alya said

By then Marc calmed down and Alix slowly let go and got back to her seat next to him.


"Well?" Marinette asked. After more silence she spoke again, "We have a theory on what we think had happened that day. If we're right, raise your right hand, if we're wrong raise your left. But you have to raise one, got it?". Marc nodded his head. "Okay so. You 2 were working on your comic together, after a while you started talking like friends do while working. Nathaniel then confided with you about his feelings for someone. Someone who wasn't you. He told you this because he thinks you're his best friend, which is why he came to you before us. After that he got a phone call with some emergency by pure coincidence and left. It took a while for you to digest what you've heard and once you did you ran to a place where you could cry. But you ran too fast and missed the sign for the bathroom. Then Alix found you, then we all came to find you curled up in a ball. Now we're here. Am I right?"

Everyone looked at Marc expectantly. Marc blinked, then raised his left.

Everyone started moaning and said 'Dang it' and 'Aw man'.

"Really thought we had it. We also had the perfect plan to resolve it" Alya said lying on her back with her hands over her face.

"All that time yesterday for nothin!" Mylene said, crossing her arms and scowling.

After a few moments, they all stopped at the same time................

Then Marc giggled

Then Alix snickerd

Then Rose chuckled

Then everyone just started laughing.

After a while Alix asked Marc, "Okay dude, what happened back there, did Nathaniel say or do something, because I've known him practically my whole life and he is not capable of hurting someone's feelings at all".

"One of the reasons why I like him" Marc said as he realized what he said the shot his hands towards his mouth as he turned red and all the girls aww'd. "Sorry" Marc said looking down, "Uh, inside thought". Giggles. "But you're right, Nathaniel did do, or I mean say something, but I just. I just don't want to talk about it right now.". Marc said as he motioned to the door.

All the girls were shocked. Did he really just ask them to leave? Just then Marinette stood up and pulled Marc to stand up and said "You got 3 choices, 1: We go to Nathaniel house and face this issue head on. 2: You tell us what exactly happened so that we can help you out. 3: We leave this room and go get some ice cream because you need some sun and air.".

Marc looked around and signed, "well, I guess I'll go with option........... 

Marc x Nathaniel Story: The Triangle Of HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now