Phone Call Part 3

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Last Phone Call...........maybe 

"Hey, do you guys know what's up with Marc?" Alix asked. Her Alya, Mylene, Rose, Juelika, and Marinette were all hanging out in Marinette's room.



"What's wrong with Marc?"


"I think I know"

Everyone turned their heads towards Marinette which caught her off guard a bit.

"Well geez no need for all eyes to be on me," Marinette said as she nervously laughed, "Why'd you ask".

"Oh I found him in the girl's bathroom crying, his eyes were redder than the jacket he was wearing". Alix said sitting up more.

"Wait, why was he in the girl's bathroom?" Mylene asked confused

"I don't know" Alix shrugged, "he probably just needed a place to hide and fast and just didn't see the sign".

"Well why was he crying," Juelika asked

"That's what I wanna know," Alix said, looking at Marinette. Once again all eyes are on her.

"Well I don't know exactly what was going on but yesterday I saw Nathaniel run out of the art room and Marc looked upset packing up. When I asked he thought that Nathaniel didn't want to make a comic with him anymore. Then I just left the room."

Everyone was in silence.

"So just to be clear we all know that Marc has the biggest crush ever imaginable on Nathaniel right?"

Alix snapped her fingers and then did finger guns towards Alya. Everyone else muttered in agreement.

"Oh no" Mylene started, "do you think Marc put his heart out and Nathaniel didn't feel the same, so things have just been awkward between them?"

"No that can't be it" Juelika started

"Ya, if that were true, both would come to us for help" Rose finished.

"Well it has to be something" Alix whined

"I'll call Marc, let's see what's up," Marinette said whipping out her phone while the other girls huddled around her.

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring

*Hello you've reached Marc's voice mail, please leave a message after the be-

(Hung up the phone)

"Try Nathaniel. Maybe we can find out why he's been acting up" Alya said.

"Got it," Marinette said

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring

"Hello," Nathaniel said, then asked, "Woah hey everybody, what's up. Got another plan to get Adrien?".

"No actually we wanted to talk to you about Marc," Marinette started then was cut off by Nathaniel who said

"Oh no, is he mad because I cut the time short? Look I'll apologize again, I just had somewhere to be.". He said with an eye roll and a gentle smile.

Alix grabbed the phone and took over the conversation by saying, "You're right, that's what we wanted to know,". Everyone looked at her with a What the heck look, she stared back with a just go with it look, then continued by saying, "Anyways, have you seen the new Monkey vs Land Shark movie?"

The phone call continued like that for another 5 minutes, just random normal topics to talk about with friends. Then Alix asked this, "Anyways, ya no, Mari decided to take another break from loving Adrien. Hey, do you have anyone you have your eyes on?". Then winked at all the girls looking at her, and they all knew. They got back in the frame of the camera and egged Nathaniel on.

"Ya tell us who the future Mrs. Kurtzburg will be."

"Aww I love romance"

"Ya as much as I love getting Mari and Adrien together, I could use a break"



"Come on dude tell us"

Nathaniel nervously laughed, looked away for a bit, then started blushing for a bit

"Omg, you're blushing!"
"There is someone!!"
"Okay, Nate you gotta tell us, NOW" Alix screamed.

"There is nobody okay. Look, I've been outside all day and just got back. I'm really hot so I'mma go now. Bye". Nathaniel waved as he hung up.

Everyone started squealing in excitement so much Marinettes dad rushed up to see who was dying.

"Wait!" Rose said with a sad expression on her face. Everyone stopped and looked at her. "Nathaniel is in love with somebody that isn't Marc. Best bet is that he confided with Marc about his crush on somebody that wasn't him and now Marc's heartbroken.". Rose said, looking down.

Everyone else got real quiet, some said oh ya, others just stared in silence.

Marc x Nathaniel Story: The Triangle Of HeartbreakDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora