Chapter 009: Devestator

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Being confronted by this man, the way it's happening, reminded him of that moment when his sister told him to stop and head back ending with her getting kiilled over the ignorance of a rebellious child.

"What do you want?" This guy just saw what June is really capable of. And yet John had an urge to test himself against him.

June knows what he wants, so, hurrying up is his only choice, answering before being told.

"Let's not do this here and now. I'm sure our fates will intertwine again." June told John, who for some reason looked shocked.

"John, was it? A leader doesn't focus on small squabbles when there are comrades fighting for their lives and those of the people they swore to protect with everything on the line. Don't waste anybody's time with your childish hobbies." June adviced before shooting off  like a comet towards one of the fights.

After coming back from his moment of strange excitement and horror, John decided to turn a new leaf and be more mature.

Jenna took Sky to a shelter that's pretty far from where they were. She used a special kind of hover skate, while June went to one battle and John grew the balls to go to the other one.

...<Puerto Nuevo: Guayana>...

There were a lot of people who got injured due to the sudden appearance of these monsters. A lot of them lost their loved ones and had a strong urge to avenge them.

Some of these people were awakened by these traumatic events and the help of a new compound that came to change the times.

A group of these angry Humans gathered to avenge the people whom they lost and kill the monsters who came to their Island to cause trouble.

"We will not allow you to kill anyone else." A woman with a timid voice but a fiery attitude said with an explosion of intense telekinetic pressure.

The Orc stood over the body of the blindfolded man, seriously injured. The Orc felt like it had gotten lucky and could sense his own growth after this one battle.

It kept getting smarter after being exposed to the purity of the Mana in Earth's atmosphere. It's thoughts slowly getting clearer.

"I...will...use you." The Orc forced himself to tell Milan who was beaten to a bloody rag.

The timid woman used her ability, which wasn't something very impressive but still helped buy time.

"You can do this, Sir Soldier." The woman said.

She was being brave, using her ability, Telekinetic Bind to try and slow the Orc's movements down, but it broke it into pieces.

The truth being that she was overloaded with fear. The monster's aura had sobered her up and seeing it so close made it worse. She felt like she could vomit at any moment.

"Hah, I don't think...pant...I'll be able to fight...anymore." Milan laughed sarcastically, signaling them to leave.

Seeing the situation was far from their power and that the Orc wasn't paying attention to them there was no use to them dying here like this, the woman kept the binding until she could no longer feel their presence and the lock on her target shattered.

Milan was regretting jumping into this job after those guys made him feel special. He should've stayed helping blind people learning how to see with Mana.

Even if he could do only that for the rest of his life, without a thank you for his efforts.

"If I survive...I'll go back to helping others for shit...ha ha." Milan laughed as he talked to the sky, while the orc raised him high, about to smack him one last time.

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