Chapter 4

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Hello:D im back again
Sorry for the long wait(even tho i did say will be coming soon) :')
Very sorry about that
Anyway, here's the new chapter
Hope you like it and have a great day

  After america and britain are done, they leave the house. Oh wait, before they can leave. Don't forget the goodbye kiss.

'goodbye my little baby bird' France give America a big kiss on the cheek.

'Daaad, you're embarrassing me' he giggled as he tried to push him away.

'But you will always be my little baby bird, even when you grow up' France said as he pinch America's face. (very soft face)

'And you too, grown man' He said as he stand up, looking down at the shorter man. (that's right, france is a very tall man)

'Be careful out there' He bend down a bit, putting his hand on his lover's cheek.

'I will, no need to worry' Britain said as he give France a quick kiss on the lip.

(America just standing there like the thrid wheel)

After the goodbye kiss, they can now leave.

'Au revoir' He waved, watching both of them as they go further and further, leaving France alone again.

'Hope they won't get in trouble' France thought in his mind as he have a bad feeling about this.....

On the way out of the kingdom, they went passed some street vendors and also some people, which they greet them since britain is the most well-known person here. And Britain would smile at them to greet them back.

Because of that, it took them a while to get to the gate of the kingdom.

  In front of the gate, there is one gurad gurading it. And above the gurad are two beautiful white rock statue of wings, which represent Feiada.

'Good moring, mister britain. It's good to see you again, can I check your passport' the gate guard said.

'Good moring, here's our passport' He  handed out the passport to the gurad.

'Going hunting with your son?' The gurad asked as he check the passport.

'Yes' Britain replied.

  'That's great. Anyway, you can pass now. Have a great day' he said, giving back the passport.

'You too' he smiled.

Now, they can pass the gate.

America is very excited, which make britain smiled since it reminded him when he is little, but that didn't went well cause of some 'trouble'.

But now this is the future, he will make sure that his son won't go though the same 'trouble' as he have before.

He sure of it....


To be continue


wings antlers (rusame) (rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora