When you are on your periods

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I found this fan art on Pinterest so credits to the owner but look at this, Kawwwwaaaiii. It actually has Rindo's hair. I love his hair. Man,I wish I had his hair but then again I love my hair my soft hair a lot. Now, onto the head cannons.


- He doesn't know about periods

- Most likely to buy diapers instead of pads

- Will shower you with cuddles and kisses 

- Will get you sweets and chocolates



-Knows about it already

- Will help you if your cramps got worse

- Would cuddle with you most of the time



- Doesn't know about it

- Would be too shy to help you or buy pads for you

- Most likely to bail or leave you alone in this situation

3/10  A very generous 3/10


- He knows everything about it

- Whatever you say, you'll get it

-  Most likely to treat you like a princess during this time



- Knows a bit about it bcuz of his mother 

- Would worry about you often 

- Would get heat pads for you

- Would cuddle you and not let you go



- I don't think he knows what is periods 

- Most likely to come over your house with Peke J and let you relax

- You would scream on him and he may get scared but would forgive you



- Does know about it 

- Would come over and stay at your house 

- He would make you laugh often during this period of time 



- Does know about it 

- Most likely to buy you all the sweets and pads during this period of time

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