When they crave your attention

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This chapter was requested by loudassachoo. Thanks for the idea.This chapter is based on when you are doing your office/ school/ whatever work and they want your attention so the tactics they pull of to get it. Now onto the chapter:-



- He would probably throw whatever you are doing outside the window

- He wouldn't give a damn about what it is

- Most likely he will get scolded but he at least got your attention so it's a win


- He would act like a total tsundere

- Would come over and ask what you are doing but not tell you he wants your attention

- You'd probably sense something's up


- He would come over and try to distract you

- He would fake cry to get your attention

- You'd probably have to get up and check what's going on


- He would come over and pick you up

- Definitely take you to the next room and cuddle with you and would not let you say anything


- He would come in with Peke J 

- He would definitely let Peke J on you to distract you and then pull you into a hug


- To get your attention, he would probably cook you something and lure you to of your room

- Or he could call you over to try the dresses he made and compliment you in it


- He would probably come in and start by sitting close to you

- He would then crack jokes about random things and make you laugh, making him get your attention


- He would come in and start complaining and bitching about how you and he haven't went on a date for ages and how you don't give him his attention

- Then he would pick you up and put you on his bike and go to the nearest ice cream place to get ice cream together

Note:- This is the craziest scenario I have come up with till now


- He'd come in and just sit near you but would not speak a word

- It would be like sitting in comfortable silence but he would look so comfortable that you would get up and go near him to cuddle


- He would probably come in and sit near you and hold you

- He'd keep holding you tightly until you give in and turn towards him to face him and give him his attention


- Inui would maybe help you with the work you are doing 

- He'd casually come in and ask if you need help or anything and then he'd start helping you before you can say anything


- He'd probably come in with expensive drinks and ask you to quit working/ school because he's rich and you don't really have too work

- For this, he'd probably get scolded by you about him not understanding things that are important and so in but hey, at least he got your attention


- He's most likely to come in and start seducing you by whispering things into your ears

- Now how you respond his totally up to you


- He'd probably come in with your favorite items such as board games, cards or etc.

- Believe it or not, he is a very considerate person that he'll come in and Strat distracting you to do these activities and spend time with him.










Author's Notes

Yes, a chapter after a very long time. Those who commented on my chapters received response from me very recently. I love to read comments of which some of them makes me laugh. The person ho requested this chapter, thank you so much for the idea and the other one, I am working on you chapters side by side so I can quickly get them published. Thanks a lot for supporting this book. And we are about to hit 8k so thank you so so so much. Love you guys. Have a great day/night!

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