💛crying in the bathroom🖤

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*This happens after Episode 10*
~Drews pov~
It has been a few days since Jake got kicked out of the music club. Ugh I hate those freaks if they wouldn't have kicked ihm out then he would still be friends with us , I mean I can't really blame them somebody must have send them the audio but who was it?
~At school~
Those Idiots tried to make me happy but why would Jake leave us just because of those freaks and why did Zoey cheat on me , they probably think that im so pissed because of Zoey's cheating but I care more about Jake he is the only person I like he is kind and cute and sweet UGH why did this happen just why. (A few minutes later) those Idiots were being very annoying so I decided to go to the restroom.
~In the bathroom/restroom~
When I arrived in the bathroom I heard crying but it wasn't just some crying it was jakes crying. Luckily there was only one stall looked so it was easy to find Jake ,, Jake please unlock the door im sorry please forgive me'' I said worried *the stall unlocks* I entered the stall and closed the door behind me and sit down Jake jumped in my arms and started to cry on my shoulders I started to rub his back to try to calm him down. ,, IM SORRY IM SORRY im and idiot please forgive me'' he cried into my shoulder ,, shhh don't be sorry Im the one who should be saying sorry we were the one who pressured you into saying that it's our fault , and I promise I try my best to fix it'' I said with a smile holding him tight in my arms he smiled back and said ,, thank you Drew'' ,, No problem Jake <3''.

306 words this the end if you want I will do part 2 and most importantly I hope you enjoyed

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