After the competition

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This kind of like angst fluff👍

*Drews POV*

Ugh I hate that freak, he has been lying to us the whole time we were never really friends,I thought to myself while tears are falling off my face ,,I hate him I hate him so much,, I cried out. Ugh I feel bad even when I just think about hating ihm the truth is I don't really hate ihm I hate that I love ihm even after the fight I still want to kiss those soft lips off his. Oh god that boy is driving me crazy... ugh why do I love that freak.

*Jakes POV*

It feels great knowing that we won the competition but a part inside of me is still not pleased... but why is it maybe because of Drew I always liked ihm and I just covered it with Daisy because I didn't want to make things weird between us but now we aren't even friends he thinks im a freak, I know I should be happy since I choose this path but something inside me is still broken I miss Drew and the Jomies a lot even tho
they aren't the nicest.

~The next day~

It hasn't even been twenty minutes and it feels like half the school already talked to me about the  competition, I went to the rest of the club and we all started talking I saw Drew passing by us and the look he gave me made my heart shatter into millions of pieces ,, Hey guys Im going to the restroom I be back in a minute'' I said leaving to the restroom I go into the restroom with tears in my eyes I didn't know I never knew I cared this much about Drew. I went to one of the stalls and started to sob I couldn't hold it in anymore I don't know anymore I chose this path why am I crying, this sentence repeated it self in my head until there was a knock,, it's me Drew I need to talk to you'' a voice said the voice was obviously Drew, I hesitated but I still let ihm in ( Im getting Deja vu from my first ever oneshot in this book🫢) Drew came inside and we both sat down on the ground there was an awkward silence until Drew broke it ,, I heard you and the club won the competition well anyways this isn't what I wanted to talk about with you Im sorry really that I said that mean stuff and never understood your passion''  ,, Im sorry too Drew that I always hung out with them instead of you guys and for choosing them over you'' I apologized Drew smiled at me and I smiled back at ihm ,, there is something else I have to tell you..... I love you Jake I know your probably with daisy now but I still wanted to tell you'' Drew confessed ,, I-I love you too Drew I always have'' I said we looked into each others eyes until I said ,, so wanna date in secret it would be weird since we had a fight yesterday and now you know'' ,, yeah that's a good idea since I don't your friends would react so great after what happened yesterday'' Drew said mumbling the last part a bit we both stood up and hugged each other tightly  before we left the restroom acting like enemies again.

~The end~

575 words if they don't make up in season 2 I will literally become emo😭 I hope this happens in season2 that would be so cute anyways I hope you enjoyed and have a great morning/day/night

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