If I wrote the Drake fight in Ep.11

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This is going to be cringe but who cares 😍
~No ones POV~
,,HEY!'' Jake shouted going in front of Hailey putting his arm into a position where he is protecting Hailey ,,If you have a problem with her than you have a problem with me'' Jake said ,,oh ist that so'' drew said in his deep voice ,,Drew I know that you hate them but please stop there my friends too'' Jake stated
,,Ugh Jake your spending all of your time with them but what about us'' Drew asked ,, Im sorry that I spendet all of my time with them but this is not the right way to solve this problem Im sure there is a solution where you both can get a long''
Jake said ,, Jake you have to pick me and the music club or that Jerk and Henry and Liam'' Zander  hissed out ,, Don't call him that I know there not the nicest people but there still my friends''. ‚, Jake why do you care so much about that Jerk'' Hailey questioned him tears started forming in Jakes eyes ,, because I love that Jerk'' Jake answered Hailey eyes widen in shock Drew eyes widen too, Drew grabbed Jakes hand and pulled ihm into the bathroom (why are so many of my stories in the bathroom why? Just why? Stupid brain Bathroomcore 😋)

~in the bathroom~
Drew pinned Jake to the wall and started to kiss ihm Jake quickly kissed back it wasn't a long kiss but there was very much love in it Drew pulled away and chuckled ,, I love you too idiot''.

~ and the lift a happily ever after The end~
Or in german
~ Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind dann leben sie noch heute~

287 words this cute in cringe way but where I live it's almost 5am and Im tired well anyways I hope you enjoyed and have a great morning/day/night

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