Chapter 16

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Astrid sat on her bed, covered with a blanket, listening intently. She couldn't hear anything, which gave her hope that nothing terrible was happening in the packhouse. Suddenly, however, she heard a commotion - a combination of wolf howls and men's cries. The sound was coming from further away, meaning the battle or whatever was happening was outside the packhouse.

As a high-ranking she-wolf, Astrid had never learned how to fight. She could choose what she wanted to focus on, and battle skills didn't seem necessary. Even if she became Luna, and once she thought she might get this honor, she was not planning on fighting. Though a few years older than Trish, she also considered herself a child of peace, so getting a beating every week in the mud didn't seem well-deserved to her. Now she was scared.

The noises became louder and louder, and it seemed as if more and more people were coming to the packhouse. Astrid couldn't tell for sure. Could the packhouse be on fire? No, she couldn't smell any hint of smoke, and she was sure that if there was a fire, Shaun would rescue her first.

She went from her bed to her window to see if anything was happening outside the packhouse. There, she saw dozens of wolves battling each other. It reminded her of the wolf training that she had skipped and watched from the bench. This one was more brutal, more aggressive - a fight of life and death. Someone had clearly attacked them.

Astrid put on her pajamas and went to the door to listen. Getting out of her room would be risky, but it was impossible for her to stay - anxiety filled her heart. She might be able to get out and see if Shaun was okay. Shaun would know for sure what she should do; perhaps they could evacuate her from the packhouse. She opened the door.

The packhouse was dark, with no lights on. Down the corridor where the stairs were, she could see a flicker of light and hear noises. The main door of the packhouse must have been opened, and she could see the shadows of warriors fighting each other. She walked on her toes, bending over in half, her brain going crazy from her heart beating and her wolf, Frida, battling her to set free. She didn't trust her wolf - if she saw others fighting, she would run towards the battle and be completely helpless there. She had to keep her human appearance at all costs.

Astrid froze as she heard two werewolves behind her. She managed to turn and see them, but she was captured straightaway by one of them.

"She-wolf lost her cage?" one of them smirked while the other held Astrid's hands, amused by how she tried to get out. They were clearly werewolves from the North. "Are you maim, girl?"

"HELP!" Astrid woke up from her paralysis and shouted. One of the men slapped her hard, and she fell to the ground. Her cheek was burning, and her eyes were filled with tears.

"I love the smell of fear on the girl. What should we do with you?"

"Just get the paralyzer into her and leave her here."

"I have better plans. I like it when they resist. And here, we have plenty of beds with soft sheets."

Astrid suddenly felt strong arms wrap around her waist, causing her to kick wildly in response.

"See, it's just such a turn-on," a voice whispered as hands tightened around her neck and body. She tried to scream, but only a hoarse sound escaped her throat. She felt her neck straining as the oxygen was choked from her body. Suddenly, there was a gunshot, followed by another. Astrid fell to the ground, crushed under the weight of her attacker's body.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Trish's voice hissed in her ear as she pushed the dead Northerner off of Astrid. Dazed and covered in the men's blood, Astrid shuddered in shock. "Get up, Astrid," Trish hissed, helping her to her feet. Astrid saw Trish standing there with a gun in her hand. "Listen, Astrid. You need to go back to your room, lock the door, and stay there until either Shaun or I tell you it's safe to come out. Understand?"

My magic is for you, AlphaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin