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He stared at her with unwavering focus. Not an angry or creepy stare; more of a worried or concerned stare. He watched her shuffle around her already neat and orderly bedroom, fixing the photos on her wall, watering her plants, combing her hair. To anyone else, it would seem to be a simple nightly routine. But to him, it meant she was keeping busy, avoiding something.

"Amor." He whispered, admiring her as she glided across the floors of her house.

"Mmm?" was the only response.

He studied her further, taking note of her arms, which were scratched raw from her anxiety. He took a step forward. She seemed to not have noticed and continued to tend to the uneven frame on her wall.

"What did you do today?" He asked calmly.

"Nothing important." She replied shortly, moving towards her desk to organize her pencils, each one perfectly sharpened.

"Okay... what did you eat?" For a single second she hesitated, holding a pencil.

"I went out for lunch," she said blankly, refocusing on her current task. "With who?" She suddenly stopped, putting her hands on her desk to ground her. 'There it is.' he thought silently.

He moved closer to her, her back still facing him.

"W-with my mom..." she said in a whisper so quiet, he had to strain to listen to it. He knew about her parents; how she felt about them. They had always expected too much from her; nothing was ever going to be good enough for them, no matter how much she tried. He could only imagine what the short interaction would have done for her.

He slowly reached his arm out, rubbing a soothing hand up and down her scratched arms.

"My love, please, look at me." He whispered quietly in her ear. He wrapped an arm around her waist as she spun to face him. He put a gentle hand on her jaw, angling her head to look at him. He had never seen such beauty and tragedy in one person. Her beautiful ebony eyes shone with tears, her angular jawline tensed at his touch. With one hand still cupping her cheek, he lightly traced lines down her raw arms, soothing the ache she felt to keep scratching. "Darling.." he whispered. It was all she could take. She pushed her head into the warmth of his chest, tears stinging her eyes as they fell down her face. Her arms snaked around his waist. She couldn't bear the thought of letting him go, not in a moment like this.

Fluff Oneshots cuz I'm lonelyWhere stories live. Discover now