Actually, it's requited love

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You don't know how long you had liked him for, but you knew it had been a while. Everything about him seemed perfect to you, from his soft, dark, curls to his dazzling smile, his caramel skin to his chocolate colored eyes. His fun and charismatic personality had always had you entranced; the way he could simply brighten everyone's day by walking into a room. He certainly made your day better.

You had always playfully flirted with each other, though you had never taken any of it too seriously. You had always hoped maybe he had the same feelings as you, though you highly doubted it. Still, even if you weren't dating, you loved having him in your life in a platonic relationship.

You two often hung out together, doing random things like going to an arcade together or getting lunch. Today had turned out to be a beautiful late spring day, with the temperature just on the fence of too warm. Both of you had decided it was the perfect day for a picnic.

You had set up your blanket on the soft, green grass. Usually, the park would be super crowded on a day like this, but in this specific corner no one seemed to be around. The spot was mostly shady, blocking y'all from the sun while still allowing you to feel the warmth of the spring day.

He arrived slightly later than you, and by slightly you meant 26 seconds. You two had always had an inside joke about being perfectly on time, so when one of you was late, the other would count the exact number of seconds.

"You're 26 seconds late." You notified him while smiling.

"I deeply apologize from the bottom of my heart my, darling." He said while setting his stuff on the blanket. You blushed slightly whenever he would use a nickname for you, no matter what it was.

"So what did you bring?" You asked, excited to see what food he had brought for you.

"Well, I brought you some fresh cantaloupe, bread and cookies from that bakery you like, some orange juice, and some strawberries and honey." He said while setting each individual item on the blanket. God, he looked so fucking hot with the sun shining through the tree branches onto his caramel skin.

You gawked at all the food laid out in front of you. He had remembered your favorite bakery AND your favorite snack: fresh strawberries and honey. You looked back at you, beaming at the look of utter shock on your face.

You reached your arms out to wrap around his neck, pulling him into a thankful hug. Without hesitation, he wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you even closer to him. You tried to take note of everything about this moment: the way his toned arms wrapped around your waist without hesitation, the smell of his heavenly cologne, the feeling of his perfect curls just grazing the tips of your fingers.

"Thank you," you whispered in his ear. "Thank you so much."

"No problem, princess." He said while still hugging you. You started to madly blush again, his sweet words finding new ways to infiltrate your brain.

You reluctantly pulled away, the ache of hunger becoming unbearable. You grabbed a couple of strawberries and drizzled honey over top of them. He watched you do this, a smile on his face the entire time, before starting to eat himself.

You spent most of the time talking and laughing about things you had done since the last time you saw him, discussing future events, and talking about people you both hate.

At some point, the conversation had turned into a comfortable silence, both of you admiring the beautiful spring day in front of you. You glanced over at him, trying to soak in as much of his beauty as possible. He stared far into the distance, thinking about god knows what.

"What's on your mind?" You asked, genuinely wondering this time. He continued to stare far away as he responded.

"You." You felt your heart skip a beat.

Hmmm?" You asked, now making direct eye contact with him. He sighed heavily, looking down towards the grass nervously.

"Listen...I-... You're kinda sorta always on my mind. I've liked you for a while but I know you didn't feel the same way, so I kept it a secret to keep our friendship intact."

You stared at him, trying to render a response from your distracted brain. You figure now was the best time to reveal what you had been feeling for him too.

"Well...Guess it makes it easier for me to tell you I feel the same way." There was a single beat of silence between you and him before he responded.

"Fucking pardon?" You almost laughed at the look of complete and utter shock on his face.

"Yeah, I guess I always liked you too," You looked down at the blanket beneath you, suddenly feeling more shy than before. "I just didn't know how to say it. I'm so-"

You were cut off by his lips smashing into yours, engulfing them into a gentle yet passionate kiss. You felt his hand graze your cheek softly as he pulled you deeper into the kiss. You could feel his restraint quickly slipping away as he slowly leaned over you. You reached up to run your hands through his smooth, silky hair.

You both stopped kissing to suck in a breath of air, still holding each other in y'all's arms. You looked up at him, staring into his dark eyes. One of his arms was next to you, supporting him next to you, the other on your waist. He looked down at you and smiled, showing his perfect teeth to the world.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that." He said, chuckling.

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