Bus Ride

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 Every year, your school had a field trip which meant that a. You would get to skip an entire day of school, b. You would get to hang out with your friends, and b1. You would get to spend the entire day with him.

Though, it also meant the day before the field trip was filled with both boredom and anticipation.

You sat in your English class, listening to your professor drone on about rules and regulations for the trip to the aquarium. Your staring eventually led you to make eye contact with him, resulting in a devilish smirk from him. It also resulted in a dirty look from none other than Emma Smith. She had had a fat-ass crush on him for over 2 years now, about the same amount of time you had been close with him. You honestly couldn't blame her, seeing as every girl in the school was practically throwing themselves at him.

She had always been jealous of your friendship with him, though she didn't want to risk looking like a bitch in front of him, so she had never bullied you in front of him.

Her sour look was quickly replaced by a fake smile framed by cheap $3 lipgloss when your professor came around to the desks, handing out a paper copy of even more rules.

The bell went off, abruptly waking you from your boredom.

"Remember to sign up for buses! And choose who you want to sit by!" The class responded by groaning accompanied by a few 'thank you's'.

You collected your belongings and flung your bag over your shoulder. You escaped the class as quickly as possible, waiting for him a couple feet from the door. You and him always waited for each other after class. You peered through the doorway, watching him place his books in his bag. You liked watching the way he moved, especially when he was lifting something. In no way was he buff, but you could tell he put in some effort to his body.

You were about to tell him to hurry up when Emma obstructed your view of him. She leaned against the desk, his stuff was one, taking special care in making sure you wouldn't be able to see most of him from where you stood. You watched him look up at you and smile. Even his fake smile was one of the most gorgeous things on earth.

He always seemed to handle every situation with ease, always taking extra care to make sure everyone felt important while talking to him.

That being said, you watched him glance towards you, replacing his fake smile with a look of exhaustion. While Emma glanced to her left, he mouthed a silent 'help me' to you. Another thing that made you both such good friends was you both hated the same people. And after Emma hit on him about 7 times, he began getting sick of it.

You shrugged your shoulders in response. He was your best friend, but you also didn't want to have to deal with whatever shit Emma was about to pull out of her ass.

His plastic smile returned to his face as Emma turned back to him. From where you stood, you could hear most of the conversation.

"Hey boo-boo!" Emma asked in a voice that seemed more high-pitched than normal. She ran a hand through her dirty blonde hair, ruffling it slightly to give it more volume. "Oh my gosh today has been absolutely exhausting, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess it has been." He replied in a forcefully upbeat voice.

"Soooo.... Mrs. Muniz said we have to sign up for bus spots..." Oh god, you already knew what was about to happen. He obviously sensed it too, glancing over at you as a last plea for his life.

"Oh yeah, she did, didn't she?" He continued to pack his bag, carefully placing his belongings inside.

"Ugh, you dumb dumb! Do you want to sit with me?" God, her voice was like a hammer to the head. You might have to go in to rescue him after all.

"Sorry Emma, but I'm already sitting with someone else." He nodded over in your direction, earning you an angry stare from Emma. She always had a vein that would pop out of her neck when she looked at you. "Maybe next time." That's what he said to every girl who asked him. And there were a lot of girls.

"Fiiiinnnneee," She groaned way louder than needed. "But if you need another person, I'm first in line!" She gave him a smile that looked way too fake, though it matched the rest of her. She grabbed her bag and walked out of the class, giving you a very obvious glare as she passed. Not a moment later he emerged from the classroom.

Even from where you stood, you could smell his fresh cologne radiating off of him. He always smelled so nice. His dark, curly hair was perfectly styled (per usual) and his smile finally returned to his face, the smile that was reserved for you, not to be confused with his Emma smile.

"Tsk tsk. You didn't even try to help me." He fake scoffed. You began walking down the hall to your next class, walking just close enough for your hands to occasionally brush up against each other.

"Ugh but boo-boo! You just looked like you had so much fun talking to her!" You impersonated Emma's voice. He looked at you with a sour face.

"Will my suffering ever end? Will I have to face the demons that are senior high girls for the rest of eternity?"

"Your life is so hard." You both rounded a corner, making sure to stay as close as possible to each other. "Having so many girls willing to date you must be such a struggle, huh?" This time his response was only rolling his eyes. You turned the next corner, and arrived at your next class. He always made sure to walk you to your class before going to him.

"I'll see you at lunch, same spot, yeah?" You smiled at him. God, you thought. Why did he have to be so gorgeous? "And make sure to sign up for the same bus as me."

"You sure you don't wanna sit by Emma, boo-boo?" He laughed before placing a finger on your head and pushing you backwards.

"Just get to class." You smiled silently as he walked down the hall.


The field trip itself had actually been fun, which was pretty unusual. You had gone to your city aquarium, with all of your friends, including him, and Emma had only tried to hit on him once (though, it was pretty hard to look sexy when the place reeked of fish)!

You weren't gonna lie: your school was pretty bougie. They always made sure to get the best transportation for your class, which included the nicest buses ever. Just as you had planned, you and him sat together. The only problem was that you had forgotten your Airpods, which was quickly solved when he offered one of his.

The ride to and from school was about 2 hours, but you didn't mind. You got to spend more time with him. You usually spent bus rides talking, but with how late your trip had ended you began to feel tired. He definitely noticed this, seeing as you kept nodding your head as you fell asleep.

"Yo, you good?" He asked, a concerned look resting on his face.

"Mmhmm," You stifled a yawn. "Just a little sleepy." He couldn't have heard the last part, seeing as you had begun to mumble. You fell asleep again, this time resting your head against the headrest. In your half-asleep state, you felt yourself begin to lean to your left. Wait. No, you weren't leaning. A warm hand was pulling you down until your cheek met a warm shoulder. Either way, you weren't protesting.

You felt the same hand push a couple strands of hair out of your face before returning to rest on one of your legs. Though, that last part could've been a dream, seeing as you were already falling asleep again.


The first thing you noticed when you woke up was how dark it had become outside the windows. The second thing you noticed was a navy sweatshirt laid across your lap, creating a makeshift blanket. The third thing you noticed was that the sweatshirt belonged to him. And if you weren't imagining it, you were still leaning on a warm shoulder.

You slowly lifted your head, looking over to your left. In the dim light of the bus, you could just make out his figure resting against the seat. His breath was slow and even, so he had probably fallen asleep during the ride. You smiled quietly before leaning your head against his shoulder again. This time, you were fully awake when he moved to rest his head on yours.

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