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(Just change the names in ur head, had to use random ones in this story)

Christmas had always been a busy time of year, especially for your parents. While they tried to make time for you, it seemed work was always their top priority. It had never really bothered you, though it was becoming increasingly apparent how little they really did prioritize you, both your parents had been called out of state for a work convention. They had told you they wouldn't be back until 2 days after Christmas. They said sorry but it really didn't surprise you that much. So, as the 24th rolled around, you made sure all your decorations were set up, including the Christmas tree and the gifts you had gotten for your parents. Besides, there was always 1 Christmas tradition you could count on. You pulled out your laptop and joined a call, noticing your friends we're already online. As soon as they noticed you were on they all screamed your name.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" They screamed through the computer screen. Every year, you and your friends, Tristen, Julian, Maya, and Audryn all got on a call to talk about y'all's Christmas plans. Y'all would've met up in person, except it usually snowed and the roads often froze over, so this was the best y'all could do. Plus, it meant spending time with him. Maya was mid-conversation about how her and her family were doing a scavenger hunt for Christmas when Tristan announced that he had to go.

"Hey guys, I gotta go. Me and my family are gonna go have our dinner. Merry Christmas!"

"BYE TRISTAN!" Maya practically screamed.

"See ya! Merry Christmas!" You and Julain said. Soon enough, Audryn also had to leave as well as Maya. Now it was just you and Julian. Alone. You two had always been the closest out of the group. He had also always been your secret crush, but you would rather die than tell someone that.

"Sooooo....," he said, looking at you through the screen. "What are you doing for Christmas?" You sighed.

"Nothing really. Both my parents are out for work, so I'll be spending the holidays mostly alone." He suddenly sat up straighter in his chair. "What?" You asked, questioning his suddenness.

"Have you eaten yet?" Random, but okay.

"Uhh no not yet. Why?"

"Do you wanna have dinner with my family?"

"Julian, I really appreciate it, but I wouldn't want to intrude on your family's Christmas celebration. It's really fi-"

"Please." He looked at me with his beautiful eyes, and suddenly I felt like melting into my chair. "My family adores you. They would LOVE to have you for dinner." You sighed, giving up.

"As long as your parents are okay with it." He smiled in return, and it was probably one of the most beautiful sights ever.

"I'll head over in about 20 minutes."

"See you then!" He said grinning from ear to ear.

You really weren't worried about the icy roads, seeing as his house was just a couple of blocks from his. You put on something nice (whatever's nice in ur opinion) and put on your jacket and shoes. You locked your front door, admiring the lights in your trees and doorway. You then began the cold trek towards his house.

When you arrived at his front doorstep, you stamped your feet against the welcome mat. You had always loved his house, even in the chaos of his siblings. You had always seen his house as a heavenly place, but then again, you found any place with him a safe haven.

You knocked on the door, watching as the shadows moved behind the glass. You watched as 4 figures moved behind the windows, 2 of them being his younger siblings. His mom unlocked the door with a click.

Fluff Oneshots cuz I'm lonelyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن