Morning Haze

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You felt the warm early summer breeze before she felt him. Both of you had taken your final classes for the semester the day before, so you had a lot of time off to sleep in. The summer months brought pleasant weather through campus, making the perfect conditions for opening windows.

Both you and him had celebrated the night before, leaving you both exhausted the next morning. You had expected him to be up before you, seeing as he usually woke up early, but this morning he had slept in with you. You grabbed the sheet of the bed and pulled it closer to you, bringing it over your shoulders. You turned onto your side to face him, still too tired to open your eyes.

You felt his hand smoothly wrap around your waist, tugging you closer to him. He opened his eyes slightly, taking in your effortless beauty in the morning haze. You forced your eyes open, taking in his looks as well. The late morning sun caused his skin to practically glow, highlighting his beautiful front.

He rubbed his eyes, obviously forgetting to put on his glasses. He looked at you, studying every feature of your face. He pulled back a couple of strands of your hair before kissing you tenderly on the lips. You always loved his soft kisses, as well as his passionate ones, his sleepy ones - you really just liked all his kisses. You stretched your body, letting out small moans of pleasure as you did so. You could feel his eyes on you as you did this. God, he loved it when you sounded like that.

"Sleep well?" He asked in a voice that reminded you of Earl Grey Tea and Honey. You laid back down next to him. He took one of his hands and slowly traced it down your side, seemingly entranced as it moved down your body.

"Mmhmm." You responded, causing him to break concentration on your body. He chuckled, stretching his arms out.

"God, you drive me insane." he said in the same raw morning voice. You felt the breeze brush past you again, making you feel even more tired than previously. You pulled yourself closer to him, resting your jaw on his shoulder. You felt him adjust his body, angling himself so you could rest more comfortably. You could feel all your muscles relaxing, weighing fully on him and the bed. He loved holding you, feeling you soften in his arms. He ran his finger tips up and down your spine, sending shivers through your body. You kissed the crook of his neck slightly before closing your eyes again.

"You know what we should do today?" He asked. You could feel the vibrations of him talking through your skin. You couldn't imagine doing anything else except falling back asleep in his comfortable embrace.

"Mmm?" You asked, feeling your consciousness slipping away. He smiled at your slight attempt at a response.

"Absolutely nothing."

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