Lazy Makeout Sesh

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It was the final kick, and he was on the field. The truth is you had never been a huge fan of soccer, not until you started dating him. You watched as he calculated every move in his head, waiting for the exact moment to kick the ball to the goal. For a split second, you could have sworn you saw him glance towards you in the stands. In a split second, he kicked the ball to the left of the net, scoring the final goal of the game. Everyone, including you, went wild. The entire crowd was screaming in praise to his team, and you had never been more proud.

You waited for him outside, near the locker rooms, along with the rest of his family. To them, you were just another family member. They had always adored you and loved it when you were around. When they had heard that you were dating him, they couldn't have been more excited.

You watched the squeaky locker room door open, and arriving in front of you was your boyfriend, embracing you in a tired but tight hug. You could still smell his shampoo lingering in his hair and feel his slightly damp hair through your fingers. He reluctantly let go and moved to hug his family next; first his 2 younger siblings, then his mom and dad. They were gonna go out to eat after the game, but he decided he was too tired and opted for Chinese takeout at home.

You all piled into his mom's car, both of you in the backseat, his brother and sister in the middle, and his mom and dad in the front.

"¡Deja de golpear a tu hermano!" You heard his mom say to his younger sister.

"¡Pero me tiré del pelo!" You both looked at each other and chuckled. It was oddly comforting to hear the natural bickering of his family. He slides closer to you in his seat to give you a hug. He then rested his head on your shoulder for the rest of the ride.

By the time you arrived at his place, he was sound asleep on your shoulder. His parents both had to take his brother and sister to bed, seeing as they had fallen asleep in the car too. That left you to wake him up. You glance over at your shoulder. He looked so tired. You nudged him a little, whispering his name in his ear. He began to stir, groaning as he stretched his arms. You looked into his eyes. Oh, how you loved his eyes. They shone, even in the dim light of the garage. You smiled.

"Hi." You said, while looping one of his curls in her index finger.

"Hi." He responded, giving her the same warm smile.

"We should probably go inside," You said in a soft tone, barely above a whisper. He sighed heavily and let his head fall back onto the headrest. You grabbed his hand. "Come on, you big baby." You said while dragging him out of the car. He grabbed his bag with all of his equipment, still not letting your hand go. You entered the kitchen, where you saw both his parents huddled around a Styrofoam container of noodles.

"Mmm, you guys hungry?" His mom said through mouthfuls of food.

"Not really; If I'm being honest, I'm just tired." He responded. "I think we're gonna head upstairs to my room." He said finally. His mom gave him a warm smile.

"Okay, food is ready whenever you want it." His parents had always given both of you privacy which you had always been grateful for. You both headed upstairs to his room, where he threw his bag across his room and practically flung himself onto his bed. He groaned in delight as he lay on his cloud-like comforter. 

"You played amazingly tonight." You said, walking over to his bed.

"Yeah, but only because you came." He said, his voice muffled from his sheets.

"Oh? Is that the reason?" You asked him as you laid on your side next to him. He turned to face you.

"Of course. I couldn't have you thinking you were dating a loser." Even while he was tired, he always made you smile. You looked at him and soaked his face. The way his caramel skin glowed against his bedroom light, how his slightly damp hair had returned to his perfect curls, the way his sharp jawline matched his angular nose. Even in his exhausted state, he had never looked more attractive. He reached over to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.

You didn't know who initiated it but suddenly he was kissing you. Kissing your neck, jaw, lips, collarbone; anywhere his lips could find. He lazily draped an arm around your waist, tugging you towards him. The food was probably getting cold, but at that moment you would have cared less. Kissing him was hot; the small, breathy noises he made as she reached further for her. It was a lazy yet passionate kiss, so much so when you both pulled back for air, it felt like something was missing. He looked at you once more before whispering to you. "You're so beautiful." He gently pulled you closer to him, giving you a kiss on the forehead before pulling you into a warm embrace. You both fell asleep after that.

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