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 You regularly got detention. It was never a surprise. It wasn't like you weren't a good student; your grades were actually some of the best in your class. But after a couple of "altercations", you had actually become very close with the rest of the people whole also routinely got detention. And your boyfriend happened to also be in that group.

Usually, during detention, your supervising teacher would go out of the library for an hour or 2, most likely to go make out with some other faculty member. That meant time for the "detention group" to do whatever they wanted.

The library was split up like this: someone would stand watch outside of the door, in the farthest corner of the library couples would go and make out, at the tables kids would gamble on poker games with cards from someone's bag, and the rest of the kids were usually just chilling or talking or sleeping.

You usually played a couple rounds of poker before hanging out with some of your friends or your boyfriend, and today started out as no different. You were joking around with your friends and the stakes were high today: $21.37, 4 glowsticks, a phone charging cable and a bag of goldfish. It was intense, but this round you were positive you had a winning hand. You placed down your cards confidently, crossing your arms and smirking to your opponent and best friends Hayley.

She sighed deeply, putting on a sad face... almost too sad.

Your smirk faltered for a second.

Your other friends gathered around her, looking at her cards. They all started giggling. Shit. There go all my glow sticks.

"BOOM!!! I WIN!!!" Hayley slammed her cards on the table, revealing a perfect flush. She reached across the table and dragged the prizes towards her to inspect her winnings. She glanced over to you and let out a mellow-dramatic sigh. "Since you've been my best friend for 7 years, I guess I'll give some charity to a lowly peasant like yourself." You smiled as she handed you 3 parmesan goldfish.

"Oh, however shall I repay your kindness, your majesty?" You both hugged each other and giggled.

"Psst," Hayley whispered. "Someone's walking over!" She nodded over towards your boyfriend, who was walking towards you.

"Hayley we've been dating for a year and a half. It's not exactly a big secret he's walking towards me."

She sighed. "I knoooow." She glanced over to Florence who was calling her over to show her something on her phone. She sighed again. "I gotta go. Love yooouuu."

"Love you tooooo." You pretended to be dragged away from her as you walked towards your boyfriend. You turn to walk toward him, smiling as you get closer to him. Gosh, he truly was a sight for sore eyes. Even in his school uniform, he looked absolutely stunning. His dark hair was in perfect curls and his smile still managed to amaze her with the way it brightened a room. Though the uniform covered most of his contoured body, his hands were a dead giveaway of his lean and toned figure.

"Hi." He looked at you with his luminous smile.

"Hi." You looked up at him. You stared at each other for a second longer before bursting into laughter at how stiff your greeting was. You immediately embraced him in a hug, quickly pecking him on the cheek. You could still smell traces of his shampoo lingering from his shower that morning. "I missed you." You whispered in his ear.

"I missed you too. Like a lot." He laughed slightly. "Like a bunch." He released you from his hug, taking hold of your hand. "Come ooonnn." He smiled as he dragged you across the room.

"Where are we going?" You giggled as he dragged you closer to the book cases.

"You'll see." He glanced back at you, giving you his bright smile once more. He dragged you a little further and found an empty aisle of bookcases, where he promptly slid down to the side of it and sat down on the cheaply carpeted floors of the library. He stretched out his legs before letting them lie in front of him. You followed suit, plopping down next to him and leaning your head on your shoulder.

"I can't believe you lost that game." You could feel his voice vibrate across your skin, sending chills down your spine.

"Meh, the goldfish were stale anyways and I'm pretty sure half of the money was from a monopoly game." You said lazily. He laughed, the most delicious sound you had ever heard. You looked over at him, admiring his face, mainly his eyelashes. You loved the way they fluttered everytime he smiled. He had the most beautiful lashes; full, long and dark. How unfair, you thought. That someone that cute ALSO gets the good lashes.

He glanced over at you and caught you staring at him.

"Whatcha doing there?" He smiled, causing his lashes to flutter once more.

"Oh nothing... I'm just wondering what lash tech you go to." You turned your head away from him, now looking straight ahead. You often made jokes like this; teasing him about his gorgeous lashes and how you were oh so jealous of them.

"Ha ha I've never heard that joke before." His statement reeked of sarcasm. You could feel his dark eyes trained on you, waiting for your reaction.

You turned to face him. You were met with what you could only explain as an angelic figure.

Something about the way his eyes were looking at you made you feel like the only girl in the school. He glanced up and down your body with an expression of pure astonishment. Somehow the dim lighting made his honeyed skin look completely flawless, and the shadows from the books danced across his face, occasionally highlighting his sharp jaw. You thought he had never looked more handsome.

"Hi," He said in a low, breathy tone that made you get chills.

"Hi." You replied, moving slightly closer towards him.

Without warning, he grabbed your cheek and brought his lips to yours. Oh, the feeling! You could've stayed there forever; the smell of books surrounding you, the feeling of him sitting next to you, one of his hands on your hip and the other holding your jaw, tugging you slowly closer.

The kiss started out slowly, both of you too afraid that if you started, you would never stop.

You felt him grift your waist slightly tighter, pulling you closer to him. You felt your body pushing itself to feel him closer until there was no gap between you; and even after that, you were both grabbing at each other's clothing and skin because you couldn't get any closer to each other. It was sloppy, yes, and you wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

You both pulled away, panting from kissing for so long. When you looked over at him, he had a shit eating grin plastered to his face. You were about to return the smile when you heard a three note whistle ring out through the library, signaling that the detention supervisor was coming back.

You both jumped up from your secluded bookcase, racing to go back to your desks where your homework lay, untouched. You plopped down into your chair next to Hayley. She glanced at you, giggling slightly.

"What?" You asked, giving her a questioning look.

"Oh.. nothing." She smiled. "Bet you guys had fun." You rolled your eyes at her, already thinking about him again.

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