You can always call

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To be fair, it wasn't your idea to go to the party, it was hers. She had insisted that you both go tonight, though you refused multiple times. It wasn't like you didn't like parties; you actually really liked getting to see everyone. You just didn't want to go on this particular night. Still, she was your best friend and you refused to let her go to this party alone.

It actually wasn't too bad. You saw a couple of your friends from your classes and enjoyed the music they were playing. Both of you usually stayed away from alcohol, though tonight she seemed to forget that rule. She really forgot that rule. You had kept watch over her for about 3 hours now, and you knew she was getting a little too drunk.

You walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to you and gasped.

"Oh my gooood," She sighed. "Ya know you kinda look like my bestest friend." She began twirling your hair around her finger, something she often did to your hair.

"That's absolutely shocking!" You faked your excitement. You had learned very quickly that it was better to fake enthusiasm around drunk her than try to talk to her calmly. "Hey, I have a really good idea!" You tried to sound upbeat, though the sound of the music was starting to get a little too loud and the smell of alcohol in her breath began to overpower your senses. "What if I get you a nice, cold, refreshing glass of water and I take you home?" She immediately began to light up, though you doubted anything you just said had registered for her.

"Oh yesssssplease I really wanna go!" You grabbed her wrist and began guiding her to the door. It was a fairly cool night that night. The streetlamps cast everything as an orange glow, causing the white honeysuckle flowers to turn gold. You really just wanted to get home. One problem: you didn't have a car. Your friends had left hours ago, though you had chosen to stay with her just in case. That was before you realized that your only way home had left with that group. Seeing how late it was, it was unlikely anyone would be up.

You and your friend sat down on the sidewalk next to the house. You could still hear the loud music from outside. Oh, how you ached to be in bed right now. You pulled out your phone. There really only was one person who you knew would maybe pick up.

Your phone dialed a couple times before a husky voice responded.

"Hey what's up?" You heard a quiet yawn before he spoke again. "Do you need something?"

"Hey listen I'm super sorry for waking you up-" You were cut off by his response.

"Nah it's fine. If you're calling me in the middle of the night you must need something important." You listen to him yawn again before you speak again.

"This is kinda a big ask but you know how I was going to a party with Gemma? Yeah well she's waaaay to drunk to drive-" As if on cue, you could hear your friend begin to argue that she 'wasn't drunk' because she 'only had 1 (7) drinks'. "-and I don't have a car so I was gonna ask you i-"

"If I could come get you? Done." He interrupted you with his response. You were surprised at how quickly he had accepted the offer, seeing as it was 2 AM. "Where are you right now?" You could hear him start to move around before you heard the jingle of his car keys.

"Uhmmm.." You were still recovering from his immediate answer while you glanced up at the road signs before you. "We're at Kate's house right now, just outside." You heard a door slam before he spoke again.

"I'll be there in like... 15ish minutes? Okay?" You let out a sigh of relief.

"Perfect thank you so so so much."

"Don't mention it. I'll see you soon." And with that, he hung up.


It hadn't even been 15 minutes when his car pulled up on the side of the road. As soon as Gemma saw him she jumped up to greet him, which immediately resulted in her stumbling and falling into him.

Fluff Oneshots cuz I'm lonelyWhere stories live. Discover now