Wave and bolts

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Benthomaar x Scott

Everything feels weird when Scott wakes up, his body is sore, he has this weird headache as he feels like a drunk person after waking up from a terrible hangover.

"Shit my head… what happen" he said while rubbing his temple, trying to regain what happened yesterday. He only remembered he was at an after party that the ninja hosted for celebrating the victory after defeating the overlord. And after that everything is a blur from there.

But the thing after the party he was sure he was somehow still in the party, he didn't remember how he got into bed. Moreover he didn't even know who's bed he was in. Maybe he was tired when he was in a drunken state and he got himself into bed, but that can't be right. How can a drunk person be in their right state of mind to go by themself?

Also who brings him to the bedroom? That was the one question he wanted to ask, is it Jay? But that was impossible since Jay was hanging out with his team all night yesterday, and even having a make out session with Cole and Griffin, who were both trying to win his heart, so that was really impossible to do. Then who is the mysterious person that willingly accompanies him, he really need to thank them, whoever they are.

But the thing he noticed is the bedroom. How the theme was like he was underwater or like some kind of aquatic scenery. "Oh, you've already awake! I was wondering when you will wake up from your sleep" said the stranger as they opened the door to the bedroom. Which revealed was none other than the prince of merlopians– I mean king of merlopians, benthomaar himself. The king then smiled at Scott who stared at him cautiously but then soon began to relieve knowing it's just the king.

"What? Who are you? How did I…"

"You were drunk yesterday at the party after the drinking game, and not long after you fell asleep," Bentho explained as he entered the room while sitting on one of the sofas in the room. Smiling at the human as he observes him from afar "I suggest you to rest some more to soothe the pain in your head for a few minutes" he suggests, observing Scott whose face becomes more tense as the king glances at him more.

"And how was I supposed to be calm after that incident and not to mention some stranger just brought me to their home without my consent?" The mechanic said bitterly in his voice, clearly didn't look so happy about this. Plus he didn't even know the guy, the only thing he knew was that the man in front of him was the king of the sea kingdom. "Right, sorry for that.. but I have my reason to do that" the king then apologized to Scott who was still annoyed that a stranger completely kidnapped him to this underwater kingdom.

"I guess that's fine… consider you didn't tell this to Jay or blazey about how I was drunk" Scott said forgiving him but with one condition. "You're one of Jay's friends?" Bentho then asked him, "uh yeah? He's my friend, why do you ask?" Hearing that makes bentho relieved, hearing he was one of Jay's friends from the land.

Bentho then introduces himself again to Scott to regain his memory about yesterday's event, "well that's a relief, the name king benthomaar. King of merlopians, but you can call me bentho for short, i'm also one of Jay's friend" with that sentence, Scott then remembered something "bentho… don't tell me– you're the one Jay's introduced to me for a blind date?!" He yelled at him, face a little bit warm remembering yesterday stuff happened.

"Oh about that huh? Uhh yes, he did tell me about that information. He was saying there's another friend of his that needs some dating or advice? Why's that?" Bentho asks him with a slight puzzlement in his face, at this rate Scott only could just grumble some few curses. Maybe he shouldn't tell Jay about his dilemma about not having a special someone in his life, he really regrets it somehow.

"Fsm Jay… you little shit"

"Is there something on your mind? Is it because you're hungover again? I could bring some water to you if you like" the king said with a concern filled him, but then Scott then told him not to worry about himself. "No, it's alright. Just some thoughts that I shouldn't tell to a certain someone" he said with a grit, still annoyed that Jay ofcourse would recommend him to date someone or blind date him.

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