Gratitude (pt.4)

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After what presumes that master Chen announces their next game, which is a totally bad idea. The next game was to hunt nya, since she was found out by clouse that she and dareth are intended to save the ninja from there. And she has the missing page for the ceremony ritual.

Neuro, who tried to help the ninja, was somehow caught in the middle of the game by clouse and the anacondrai warrior. He just hoped that Shade could find nya and help her and the ninjas— wait… why is he suddenly thinking about Shade all of the sudden?? Sure he was worried for him if anything happened, but all of the sudden his mind can only think about him. Did he have a crush on Shade? Why does it have to be Shade than anyone he could think of, he could just have a crush on anyone but no instead he was starting to have these weird feelings for him.

Sure he is handsome, skillful, great at many things, charming, sometimes annoying, and a nice body, and maybe he did stare a little bit at his biceps and those toned abs— ok that was out of hand, but why does he have these feelings out of the sudden? Why now? He never noticed this when they first met, not until that night.

Oh he really does fall for it. Really bad.

"It's not the right time to catch feelings…" he mentally stated to himself as he heard the door open, maybe someone came to find him in the vengestone cell. When the door opens, it was paleman and Griffin who have been caught too by clouse and his minions. "They got you too?" He asked them as both were shoved inside the cell, making both of them stumble from the pushing. "Man those anacondrai are tough, the ninjas were right about clouse and chen trying to steal our powers" paleman said to them as he tried to open the cell but it won't budge.

"Lemme try– woah!" As Griffin was trying to use his powers, his running was at a normal speed which made him confused "What? How–", he was confused how his power didn't work inside the cell. "They're using vengestone to make this cell" Neuro said to them as both paleman and Griffin didn't know what that is


"It's a powerful stone that have the ability to cancel out elemental powers, the vengestone itself can turned into a tool and fused with something to make into a dangerous stuff" Neuro explains as he investigates the stone more closely.

"So that's why our powers aren't working"

"But, how did you know about this neuro?" Paleman asked him, as he was confused how Neuro knew something like this.

Neuro then sigh as he looked at them both into their eyes, "I have been restrain by one of those as a experiments, but it's also helping me with my powers due I can't really control them when I was at a young age" he explains as he was kinda glad now he can't using his powers because of how painfully it was having a such strong power, but at the sametime he really needs his power back as to help the ninjas and the others to defeat the anacondrai cult and master chen.

"That must be a tough one then.." said the voice that was not there before.

Their heads then look at the direction of the voice of that mysterious person, and when they look behind the door, it turns out it was Shade. He also got caught by clouse, with one of the minions held him seeing he got injured in the process. Just then the anacondrai warrior shoved him inside the cell, making him fall with a grunt as the others helped him up.


"How are you this injured?! What the hell happen there?" Griffin said, shocked to see how wounded Shade is. Just as then him and paleman treat his injury, while Neuro just staring from afar to see how badly injured Shade was. "Tried to find kai's sister, and out of nowhere clouse and his minions cornered me. Was trying to fight them, but they fucking beat me…. Ugh–" Shade then held his badly injured arm as blood comes out from it.

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