Gratitude (pt.8) [last]

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A/n: finally the last Chapter!! Also sorry for updating just now, I'm usually active on Ao3, if you guys want to read more my writing you can go to my ao3 account @/ampasmen

Let's get back to the story!!

Just as Tox and Neuro are waiting for their dragons to be summoned again and gaining control of their own powers, Neuro then tries to test his own powers to communicate with Shade. He remembers that he can communicate with other people from a long distance so he tried, but he can't reach Shade as he knows that Shade was the only one that can block his power, but if the case like this he should be answering by now, because Shade was the one that told him to.

"Is something happening to him? He said if anything is wrong send a message…. Fuck why does He's the only one I need to send first thing on my mind?" He grumbles as to which he can't really help but mind is full of Shade on his mind. Shade really did leave a mark for him for the rest of time, as he tries again to send a help message to him. The result is the same as before, no answer from him. Which makes him more worried than before, even Tox can feel how anxious he becomes and the atmosphere becomes worse.

"Uh… Neuro? I think you should calm down for a little while" she said to him as she tried to calm him down. The keywords are tried.

"What do you mean by that? Am I not calm enough? I am not thinking about Shade or worried about him. No I am not. You're wrong, I don't have any feelings for him or anything. He will be fine right? He has to be— I mean He is alright he's master of shadow afterall!" The master of mind blabbering as he already lost his own mind and didn't even know what he was talking about. He is really helpless.

Even Tox is speechless by this, she even didn't know what to say or what she should do. "Okay…. I understand you're worried about him, and please you need to talk about your feelings to him. Sooner or later that is.." she said, a little bit confused what to do at this point. "Easy to say for you. You don't even have a crush on anyone and that's easy" he bluntly said as it hit like a train to Tox, as she regretted helping him.

"You don't have to attack me like that!!! Geez, I'm sorry it's a sensitive topic for you– but seriously both of you need to confess to each other, the rest of us can tell that you two like each other really much. And the only one that can make you two loosen up is because it's the two of you, and that's from me." She explained to him, as Neuro was speechless by now. Shit, he thought that no one would notice that.

"Oh! By the way, maybe you could get the message to Lloyd? We need to tell him about this"

"Right! I almost forgot about that"





Everything was dark all of the sudden, he could feel it all around him. It was already usual to him, dark and quiet, it always indicated to him. He doesn't mind, he is already used to it. But he was feeling lonely for some reason, he can't really tell what it is. Until he met someone, those darkness and quietness slowly turned into a light to him.

The person he met was somehow special to him, he was the one that could make him open up and enjoy his life more than he previously did. And he cherishes it, he doesn't know what it is he feels But he really wants to spend his life with him. And somehow the room he is standing in right now slowly turns into a bright one, making him wince But can't help to slowly open his eyes. And there he was, lying in the sand suddenly waking up from his fainting, making Ash surprised seeing him suddenly woke up like a mummy.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! SHADE??" Ash screamed not so manly as he was in a state of shock, he felt his heart almost detached from his body.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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