Gratitude (pt.5)

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Somehow shade's words were coming true, of what will happen to them. The worst scenario he said, is that their powers are being taken by master Chen's staff, and not only that the only one who didn't have their power taken was Kai. And the only one remaining to be left with chen and skylor. After that the rest of them were brought to the noodle factory, where they finally reunited again with the other elemental masters.

He could see how happy Jay was to see Zane, especially Jay was really happy to see Cole again. He could hear and see them both hugging eachother as Jay apologized to Cole all over as the earth master shushed him with a kiss on the lips.

Shade didn't expect to see that. But he could swear that those two really like eachother since the beginning, but being torned apart because of their own problem.

'Good for them then…'

He smiled a little as he saw how their problems are solved, except they have a bigger problem now that needs to be done. Without their powers all of them are defenseless and useless, well atleast in his opinion that is. While he has a disagreement with himself, Neuro can't help but to stare at Shade and back and forth looking at Jay and Cole being lovey dovey. Maybe neuro has his own problem that needs to be done later, for now they need to find a way out and try to mess up the spell, so they all can escape and get their powers back.

While being stuck in the factory all that they can do now is to help the others to finish their secret project to get them out of there. After Cole and Zane told them about their plan to make a roto jet, they're going to bust out and demolish the anacondrai cultist and find a way out to the outside. It's supposed to be a simple task, besides he got more time to spend with Neuro, since both are kinda comfortable with each other. The others can't help but to be curious about it.

"Did any of us miss something about those two?"

"Since when are those two close?"

"More like since when did Shade open up to neuro and interact with eachother?"

Those questions were spewed between them, Paleman and Griffin who have been there the whole time can only snickering to themself. "Should we tell them about it?" Griffin asks his partner as Paleman shook his head indicating that they all should find out on their own, "nah, it's fun like this. Let them find that out later" he told Griffin as he gave him the 20 dollar that they bet before.

Meanwhile all of them are still trying to find out the answer, Shade then helping neuro with the material that they need for the Roto jet. "So how are you holding on now without your power?" Shade asks neuro as he never sees him this relaxed than usual when they were fighting. "I could get used to it for some reason, without having to hear anyone's mind now.. it's a blessing for once" he sighs with a small smile, kind of relieved but he also feels guilty for not having them.

Well he admits sometimes his powers are cursed since the first time. Atleast he wasn't alone, for Shade also has the same problem as him. Turns out they weren't so different afterall, "you know… your power isn't that bad" Shade said to neuro which making him giggles, "for you maybe, but for me it's a troublesome and also a pain since other people would just hate me because they though I'm a jerk or villain with these powers" Okay Shade was feeling bad now after hearing that and all the things he thought about him in the past.

"I'm sorry to hear that…" he apologized to neuro, didn't know he had been through that stuff. "You shouldn't be sorry for that, you didn't know about that" Neuro said as he brought some stuff for the roto jet.

"Besides, with those kinds of powers, who wouldn't be sick with so many voices in their head?" He said to Shade with his usual poker face and monotone voice, making the shadow master freeze in his place. For the first time he can sense those heavy emotions in him, somehow it was something similar happened to him in the past. A bad one that he doesn't want to remember till now. "I know those feelings that you feel" he told neuro, making Neuro stop from collecting some stuff.

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